Chapter 1: Division X.

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Charles kept working with me in the car until we reached Division X, and managed to keep me alive. The voices stayed quiet, and my skin no longer burned like a fire. It was still warm to the touch, but not to the point where Charles needed to bring my temperature down with the ice.

When we did reach Division X, Charles got out of the car first, as Erik went to collect my baggage from the boot.

Holding out his hand, Charles helped me out of the car, supporting me as I wobbled, still not fully back on my feet, but able enough to not be carried to the infirmary.

It took a few moments for me to realize that there was a blond haired girl running out to meet us.

"Charles!" She called, making Charles look up from ensuring that I wasn't going to fall.

"Raven!" He answered with a small smile.

"What happened?" Raven asked, coming to stand in front of us.

I waved with a small smile. "They kept me off the streets, that's what happened." I told her quietly.

Charles chuckled and looked between me and Raven. "Raven, this is Symphony. She's a telepath, like me, but she's also psychokinetic. Symphony, Raven's my sister."

I smiled at this, already knowing that she was a shapeshifter.

I'd learned it during the time that Charles spent in my mind. "Nice to meet you." I told her politely.

Raven grinned solemnly before looking at Charles. "You still haven't answered my question." She chastised.

Charles sighed, shaking his head. "I'll explain on the way to the infirmary." He told her.

Raven nodded, and started following us, leaving Erik with my things. Charles grinned for a moment as he remembered Erik.

"Put her things in my room for now Erik, I'll find an empty room for her to stay in when we're done in the infirmary." He instructed, and Erik passed us to follow those instructions.

Raven walked slowly beside us as we headed for the infirmary.

"Okay Charles, I'm listening." She finally spoke.

Charles sighed again, adjusting his arm around me to keep me on my feet. "Symphony's powers were a little more out of control than we expected. She disguised it well, until we got to the car, and she fainted." He started explaining.

I bit my lip in mild irritation that I'd fainted.

I was glad that it was Charles though. Anyone else and I might've been in trouble.

Charles smiled, overhearing some of my thoughts. "We decided to bring her straight here of course, but I had to help her along the way. Her telepathy is under a small amount of control for the moment, but I'm afraid I'm the one keeping it that way. I'll have to help her learn to control her telepathy after we solve whatever's going on with her mutation."

Her very groovy mutation. I overheard. Or was I supposed to hear that thought?

Was he flirting with me?!

I looked up to see his eyes directly on me, with that kind, though goofy, little smile of his.

"So there wasn't a fight?" Raven confirmed.

Charles smiled with a chuckle. "No Raven, there wasn't a fight." He laughed as we reached the infirmary. "Hank!" He called out, hoping that the young scientist was there.

Sure enough, a young man came scurrying out of where he'd been working on some sort of formula.

"Professor," he responded, coming forward to help get me over to a table, where they promptly had me lay down.

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