"i-i'm sorry.. what?" i asked trying not to sound too shocked.

he chuckles, "i asked: will you let me take you on a date?"

i gulp, wow.

"o-oh... yeah sure why not." i say.

"good because we're here."

i just heard the words i've been wanting to hear for about 4 years and now he's telling me we're actually on our date... what am i supposed to think right now.

"wait Ryan, i'm confused." i asked getting out of the car following him.

"i'm taking you on a date silly."

"so.. we're not meeting Sarah and Jon?" i asked.

he laughed, "we're gonna meet them after dinner." he opened the door for me.

"but right now is about you and i." he says following me.

i swear this boy will be the death of me.

we were seated shortly after our arrival, and i soon found out that it was a little Italian restaurant. Ryan and his love for Italy.

"so, you're finally on a date with me. how do you feel?" Ryan asks as we take our seats in the little booth.

"i don't know what to feel right now. what made you change your mind?"

he shrugged, "it's your birthday. i missed you." he said picking up his menu, "plus i never said this was a romantic date." he gave a little smirk and hid his face in to the menu.

does he want me dead?


we were finishing up our dinner. i had a small plate of pasta and Ryan had some chicken parmesan thing.

throughout the whole dinner, Ryan was flirting with me nonstop.

don't tell me this wasn't a romantic date.

"excuse me, i gotta go to the bathroom." Ryan excused himself all gentleman like.

While i was sitting the the booth awkwardly sipping my coke, two hooded figures with sunglasses on started walking towards the table and they both sat in ryan's seat.

"okay, um excuse me mysterious strangers why have you sat in my friends seat?" i asked very confused.

"oh, cut the shit Brendon." the male says while they both take off their sunglasses, and i'll be fucking damned.

it's Jon and Sarah.

"what the hell?" i ask not even surprised anymore.

"Ryan told us he was taking you out. we needed to make sure it went well." Sarah smiled like she didn't care she was spying on me and Ryan.

"so you guys have been here the whole time?" i ask with a raised eyebrow. they nod.

"you guys are stupid." i sigh holding my palm up to my head.

i look up to see Ryan looking at his hands, then wiping them on his shirt not looking.

"okay, he's coming, go away." i demand.

and Ryan and I continued our date not being interrupted again.


we ended up heading back to my house supposing to meet Sarah and Jon at my house.

what Ryan doesn't know is that they were basically following us.

we got out of his car and he walked me to my front door. the first time he's been to my house without climbing through the window.

my parents were at work so us four kind of had the house to ourselves. who could ask for anymore.

before i could get the chance to unlock my front door, Ryan takes my free hands. i look down confused, then to his face.

"sorry, your hand looked so holdable." he smiled locking our fingers.

"oh.." i smile going back to the door.

i could get used to this.

{A/N: hello it me.

damn i made this chapter long sorry.

also that part about Jon and Sarah was really stupid and i regret adding it but i couldn't resist hehe.

I hope you liked this chapter :))))))

don't forget to smile :D

~L <3 }

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