"Of course. She goes half day.", Baba mocked her and everybody laughed.

"So jokes apart.", Sarah said looking at Ananya and Rehan , "Irrespective of how much ever Rehan tries to explain it to me that nothing will change, we know that a major part of your time and heart now belongs with the handsome man seated next to you, who we wish all the luck to keep you happy and we know he will we would now want you to come and say entertain people. We are tired.", She asks Ananya. Ananya smiles at Rehan and gets up to walk towards the centre.

"Ok! Hello everyone. Thank you so much for being her tonight. It really means a lot to all of us. I'm as nervous as my as first interview.", She sighs and looks at Rehan who blinks his eyes to her and she smiles. "But am equally happy and to put my happiness into words will be difficult but I'll try my best to keep it as simple and short as possible. (Rehan's attention increased manifold at what she was going to say.)

"You know when you watch a film in a theatre on the big opus magnum screen; you often feel that the characters especially the hero of the film is talking to you. But what you don't realise is that everyone sitting in that room feels the same. Something similar happened to me. The only difference was that this hero not only spoke to me but was also hearing me out. Thank you for proving that heroes exist for real.", She smiled wide at him.

"My parents seated in the right. I love you. I really, really do.", Baba's eyes were slowly bleaming. "You promised me you are not going to cry. So I'm not going to make you cry. That's how we have been all through our life. Our strength lies in these simple words. 'Don't worry I'm there.' So let me remind you once again I'm there. My mother. I may not have your genes but I have your thoughts, I have your values and I have your love and they are priceless.", She said wiping a drop of tear. Sarah and Sanya stood by her parents holding their hand.

"Sid, you have been the best brother ever. Even after all that you have gone through, the way you have encouraged me and stood by me, I will love you for that always. And a major reason of me and Rehan being together today, our three babies, Jason, Jannes and Tia. We now have your superman forever.", She said as Rehan kissed the three munchkins.

"And to my new parents, Mom and Dad. Firstly thank you for falling in love and giving me this beautiful person I can call my own. Probably the most loved couple in this room. Thank you. It's been an interesting journey with both of you in the last couple of years. Dad. My coconut.", Everybody started laughing. "Don't laugh. He is my coconut. Solid strong on the outside and soft, gentle on the inside. Unapologetic about anything that he has ever said, done or even thought about. Generally fathers teach you how to stand up for yourself, speak up for your respect, at least mine did, Dad has done the same. Unintentionally of course. He taught me to be the calmest version of myself. Completely opposite to my calm composed and poised life partner, this loud man filled with enthusiasm and excitement to the brim is very dear to me."

"Coming to the most important woman in my husband's life, his mother, his life, his world, his everything. The most graceful, giving and selfish woman.", The room went silent. "Oops. Selfish.", She asked. "Did I just say selfish. Yaa I did. I did it. And I'm right. Isn't it the most selfish thing to selflessly agreeing to give away your son to another woman just because his happiness means the world to you. I'm indebted by every word he says, every move he makes to you. You have given me a new meaning for the word mother. It's natural that I have an unspoken wish that my son should be exactly like Rehan but I'm not sure if I would ever be able to be 1% of the mother that you are.", Rehan walked towards his mother's table and gave her a tight hug.

"And now coming back to the most important man in the room.", Rehan smiled." Sorry but not you darling. It's your handsome grandpa. The man with ocean filled of love inside him. The man who can teach romance how to romance. Thank you for your little efforts of trying to get us together. Your understanding of every human emotion is unbelievable. The first person from Rehan's family, sorry our family, that I spent my most time with. He never made me feel what a big personality he is. We Skyped, we saw movies, went for coffee and walks. Even if it was on that wheelchair they were one of my favourite dates. And to add to that like Rehan says, You can make anybody fall in love with you. My Rockstar. I love you grandpa." He blew flying kisses at her.

"I know it is getting a bit long but I have to mention the following people. Sanya. Thank you for urging me to travel for that amazing vacation. Thank you for making Rehan be a part of our group. Sarah. The person who has literally had fights with me over my husband. Thank you to both of you for being my pillars of strength, today and since forever, for giving me reality checks whenever I needed them. Vivaan, for being there as the best best friend one can count on. I finally made an investment that you suggested. Thanks guys.", They all sat with Rehan in the front seat.

"Jumping the bridge, it's time to mention the coolest girl in Rehan's life. Aisha. Every man needs a girl best friend. But every girl needs her man to have a girl best friend. The little sister, I never had, the only one not charmed by my charming husband, you are a little gem, I always want to treasure. The man who is kind of lost in the last few days. My husband's best man, Armaan. He is shy, he is quiet, but most importantly he is a keeper. Thank you for being his first love. Inseparable, they had a few ups and downs and I'm glad I was the centre of it. You are going to be my first extra marital boyfriend.", She said smiling at Aisha and Armaan who stood just by the stage and came up to give her a hug.

Armaan took the mic from her hand, "Ananya, you will always remain in my heart but I think this is the perfect moment to actually thank you talking to the night before you got hitched. It really made a difference. And here is that difference.", he said asking Kaya to join them. Kaya was reluctant and first but then Rehan encouraged her and walked with her on the stage. "Some people take 4 years to fall in love", Armaan said looking at Rehan and Ananya", "While some take just 4 hours. Thank you Rehan and Ananya for Kaya.", He said placing a kiss on Kaya's cheek and everyone cheered. Everyone was walking down when Ananya held Rehan's hand and asked him to wait.

"There's more?", he joked.

"A little more.", she said smiling at him and cringing her nose. "I know this has gone a bit too long but I can't end this without quoting some special,", She said holding his hand and looking straight into his eyes. " ' There are too many ordinary things in life, love and romance should be extra ordinary.' As said by you know whom. Thank you for this beautiful, extra ordinary tale of love for a fan, now wife.", She concluded and Rehan was pleasantly surprised by her quoting him with something he always believed but very rarely told anyone. He knew she stalked him enough to know his quotes very well. They had their first dance on the tunes of the new couple in the room 'Armaan and Kaya.'

(A beautiful ending is what makes the journey more fruitful and I'm so happy to be concluding this by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to each character. They have spoken to me, felt me and stayed with me. To everyone who was a part of this, you'll have managed to reach the end. So congratulations.

I am still open to any suggestions, views or discussions.

Do express them in the comments and DM me.

Thank you.

P.S. There is a small surprise coming up soon.) 

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