Ashling Catcher - Chapter 7

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Recap: Seraphina gets a call from her father who was out of town to meet over brunch. She decides she would tell her father about her unhappy relationship with Oliver however, she changes her mind due to Oliver's sudden presence. After a small revelation, she excuses herself from the table and meets Ashling who turns her frown upside down immediately and makes up her mind and finally tells her father that she isn't happy with her relationship with Oliver. The rest continues..

The table is silent. Neither her father nor Oliver talk for a few seconds, minutes pass by.. When her father decides to speak.

"Yes, Sera. I am aware of that.", he says "Which is why I am come here to talk to you."

"what do you mean?", Seraphina asks confused and hurt.

"It means that you can't end things with this young man here, love.", he says not daring to look into her eyes.

"Why not?", she asks trying to get her father to look at her.

"Sera, don't make this hard for me, love.", her father says.

"It means, you can't Seraphina. Our companies have a contract now.", Oliver interrupts.

"What has that to do with us?"

"The contract involves the two of us. If we break up, so does our companies. And that at this point means, losses for both of us.", Oliver explains.

"We can still be apart, no one has to know.", Seraphina tries.

"See that's the thing, honey.", Oliver smirks, "I won't let that happen."


Seraphina is confused, hurt, betrayed and most of all ashamed of how her father could sell her up for a business deal. Something he considered more important than his own and only blood, his daughter. After the most disturbing conversation, Seraphina decided, for what this was worth, dying was a better option.

We walked around aimlessly around town. Her feet were sore from her new footwear. Even the most expensive shoes weren't comfortable. What could money buy?

She found herself downtown to the bar Ashling had taken her. She had no idea how or why she got here. All she wanted was to loosen up, and this place seemed perfect suddenly. It was funny how the place that yesterday made her seem uncomfortable today brought her a great sense of home.

She entered and suddenly the bar went silent, everyone in the room looked at her for a few seconds and then continued their banter. She walked up to the bar and waited for the bartender to take her order.

"Oh, it's you, Ashling's girl." , the bartender said.

Seraphina didn't want to waste time correcting him. So she didn't confirm or deny it, instead ordered for her drink. To which the bartender immediately refused.

"Sorry, girl. Ashling has strictly told us to not serve you without him."

Seraphina was shocked. Because somehow, even without herself knowing, Ashling knew she'd come back. That was was truly something.

"Is he around?", she inquired.

The bartender make a motion of zipping his lips, locking it and throwing the lock away resuming back to his work.

Seraphina sighed and the hairs on the back of her neck stood. She could feel him before she could see him. She could sense his eyes on her before she knew what was happening, a warm breath was on her ears sending chills all through her body. She could feel his body on her back, pressed up warm and holding her firmly on her waist.

"Baby girl..", his voice was husky when he whispered causing a whirlwind in the pit of her stomach.

"Ashling..", her voice croaked from the sudden thirst she didn't know she had.

She turned her chair around make her face him and took her hands in his never really looking her but her hands instead.

For the first time, Seraphina actually saw him and studied his features. His lashes were long and black, his bone was structured and well defined. Except for a few scars her and there, he had perfectly clear skin. But those scars added some badassness and made him look even more appealing than possible.

He pulled on her hand, a motion to get up and follow him which she did. It wasn't until it was too late that she realised that she had been following him blindly until they reached the back of the bar where several doors were. He entered the black wooden door and closed it behind them.

He shoved Seraphina gently on the door, pinning her on it with him over her breathing in her scent. With her eyes closed, all she hoped for was Ashling's lips on hers. Suddenly she couldn't feel him anymore and opened her eyes.

There was Ashling watching her from a few feet away looking as guilty for wanting her as much as she did. As small smile played on his lips, not a smirk, no, a smile which had Seraphina mesmerised.

"Let's talk.", Ashling said pulling her toward the bed with red sheets.

And that's what they did. Till 12:30 midnight, they spoke about everything beneath the sun. This was the happiest she had been.

Seraphina pinched herself to make sure this wasn't one of her ridiculous dreams.

A/n: for those reading this, thank you so much for keeping up with this story even after such a huge huge break. As always, send your feedback, vote and share it with your friends. I plan on posting very regularly from now on and your support is all that will keep me going.

If you're still reading this, comment "cheese cake" for no reason. 🤓

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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