Ashling Cather- Chapter 5

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Not Edited or proofread

"Let's play", Seraphine said swaying her hips to the music with the stick in her hand. 

After Ashling convincing her that rum shots would be a good idea, Seraphina was on Cloud nine. She and Ashling had taken three shots and they were enough for her to loosen up. To make it worse, Ashling bet she couldn't have a jug a beer. And guess who proved him wrong?

Seraphina couldn't remember the last time she had felt so carefree and alive. It was as if she was dreaming. She had felt like this in her dreams and seeing them- all though bur-  come true, she couldn't stop feeling like this. 

They were currently near the snooker or some would say 'pool' table. Ashling had bet 'Bull's Eye', a very buff man with tattoos and a mohawk and so far, Ashling was at his mercy. 

"Baby Doll, Even I can't play against this demon here. You're not playing.", he whispered pulling the stick away from her hand. 

She frowned. 

"I can play.", she protested. 

"Of course, you can", he pulled at her waist away from the table. 

She faced Bull's Eye and narrowed her eyes at him. 

"If you're a man, you'll play against me.", she pushed him.

Bull's Eye looked at her and laughed. 

"What do I get if I win, Honey?", he smirked. 

"This guy here", she pointed at Ashling, "You can slap him senseless."

Ashling's eyes widened in fear. 

"No, No, Bull's Eye, she's drunk", he protested. 

He turned Seraphine so she was facing him and said, "You're drunk. Stop trying to get me killed, Baby Doll.", he begged. 

Seraphina even in her drunken state had never seen anything as Ashling begging her with those eyes. She cooed at him and pinched his cheeks. 

"Don't worry", she winked, "Baby doll is here" and kissed his cheek.


Bull's Eye had lost the game. The whole bar cheered for Seraphina. It was a tough game, she would admit but she knew she had this. All her summers in the Hamptons had to count for something. Most summers she would play against her father's and his friends. Her father loved showing her and her skills off.

Bull's Eye wasn't a sore loser and decided to forgive Ashling's depth and also pay for a round of beers. It was no surprise that Seraphina had once again won the hearts of everyone even at the bar. 

She and Bull's Eye, whose real name is Raymond had bonded over the jug of beer. He was in grief that the woman he had fallen for was married and had a child. He hadn't known she was married when they were together. After a few days, she told him the truth. She loved Bull's Eye too, but she loved her daughter's happiness even more. 

"I don't know what to do, Seraphina.", he ran his muscular arm along his face in frustration. 

"I understand, Raymond. But if you love her and her happiness is her daughter, you should let her know you're ready for it.", she said.

Seraphina wasn't that high anymore. After the game, she has sobered up a little. Enough to comprehend what was being said and reply.

"How do I do that?", he asked. 

"You tell her, tell her that, you want her, all of her. Even if it means a four-year-old pain-in-the-ass kinda kid if that's what makes her happy. Tell her that nothing in this world would make you happier than that.", she sipped on her beer. 

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