Ashling Catcher- Chapter 6

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Mom and Dad had never been close. Growing up Seraphina never saw her parents actually being romantic and going on dates and pecking each other's cheeks unless they were amongst people. Ironic as it may seem- they only were together until she was big enough and didn't need parental love (not that she ever received it).

Once Seraphina was out of high school, Elizabeth and Henry ended their marriage. Just like that. Dad was a man of few words. Oliver would always say his looks were enough to calm a raging storm. Henry Henshaw screamed powerful, powerful and strong. It was true, no company wanted to compete with him. They'd rather partner than be an enemy.

As a kid, Seraphina always saw her father with his well-tailored suits, rushing out. She'd cry to be scooped up in his arms and he wouldn't bother about his thousand dollar suit. He'd always pick her up and swing her around. Of course, she was her Dad's princess.

When he got to know about Oliver, he interrogated him for a whole hour. Oliver had the potential and business approach which Henry obviously was impressed with. He like Oliver which annoyed Seraphina even more. If he would disapprove of Oliver, things wouldn't have been so bad.

Henry had permanently changed his residence to Washington and all work from New York was handled by Oliver. So when Seraphina saw her Dad's ID flashing on her phone at 7 a.m she was taken back.

"Hello?", she frowned.

"Sera?", he confirmed. He was probably the only one who called her that. Even her own mother never called her that.

"Dad? Is everything alright?", she inquired.

"Ahh. Love, I thought you'd come pick up your old man from the airport."

"You're in New York?", she frowned.

"Yes. Didn't Oliver inform you?", he sounded surprised.

That's when it hit her. After her little stunt, Oliver was pissed at her. He threw a tantrum of how irresponsible she was and how her wrinkled clothing was so inappropriate and how yadda yada! To say the argument they had last night was bad would be an understatement.

She looked on Oliver's side of the bed and found it bare.

"He must've forgotten. I can send Mr. Lavender to pick you up if you'd like."

"No bother sweetheart. Oliver already sent a car. Is that old man doing well?", he asked referring to Mr. Lavender.

Unlike Seraphina's mom, her father wasn't such a heartless person. He took care of his staff and respected them. He loved the Lavenders and much as I did.

"He's dandy. Are you gonna head here or the office?", she asked finally getting up and walking to the restroom.

"The office, Sera. Could we meet for lunch?"

"I'd like that."

"Alright then. I'll see you and Oliver then."

"Alright!", she faked enthusiasm.

"Love you.", he mumbled.

"You too."

Now how would she talk to Oliver?


Seraphina was now wearing an elegant white summer dress with yellow flowers. She has set her hair in soft waves with neutral makeup and white pumps. Meeting with her father was one of her favorite things to do.

She spotted the book 'Wet dreams' on the stand still left untouched and her mind involuntarily drifted to a particular set of eyes which had seemed so invited last night. She still didn't know how he found out her name or why he had been so gentle and caring.

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