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She was in the garden amongst the bed of roses and none of the thorns seemed to mind her. She could smell the fragrance of rose goodness and felt like home.

She skipped her way to the lighter pink roses. Pink had always been her favourite colour. She bent down to take in the fragrance of yet another fresh rose. She loved the delicate fragrance tingling her nose.

Butterflies coloured purple, yellow and red came and made their homes amongst the flowers. They smiled at the beautiful scenery. She couldn't believe that she was finally free.

If freedom had a scent, this is what it would smell like. She closed her eyes, spreading her hands wide and twirling barefoot in the moist green grass.

Life was magical.

When she opened her eyes she saw a swamp of bees and immediately frowned. The poor roses had to get stung by bees. But that was the life cycle.

A bee came close to her. She stilled. She know one thing when she went to the country side that is, to never hurt a bee. They remember.

She stilled. The bee came closer to her face. She lost patience and tried swatting the bee away from her face.

They must have had some telepathic signal because as soon as she did that, another hundred million bees were after her. She threw her arms up in the air running for her life.

If only she had one place secure she could hide and the bees would forget about her. She suddenly saw a house painted a pastel blue. It was tiny like the houses in Mykonos but prettier.

She ran into it and immediately shut the door behind her.

"Who are you?", she heard a voice. She jumped a little with a start place her hand on her rapidly beating heart.

"I'm sorry, I mean no harm. A swamp of bees were after me so I was looking for cover.", she tried explaining.

"You can stay as long as you like", he said.

She didn't have a clear vision of the person talking to her. But his voice was soft but yet like a roaring lion, Gentle but still sharp.

"Thank you, sir", she said full of gratitude.

"No, love. Do not thank me."

She frowned. It was very unlikely for someone to called her 'love' unless you were British or above seventy years old.

"But you should be careful. I once heard, if you hurt a bee; it never forgets.", the voice added.

The person suddenly stood up.

I gasped for air and immediately woke up with sweat soaked all over.

Yet another dream. A senseless, unrealistic dream. She and the whole of New York knew she would never be let in a garden all by herself forget the possibility of meeting someone new.

The sleepy body beside her stirred trying to feel her once sleeping self.

"Babe?", the voice called. "Everything good?", opening one eye to take a look at her.

"Yes", she gave a tight smile.

"Come back", he said patting her pillow.

She laid down again with her pillow beneath her and his arms around her. Even though she was home with the person she loved nothing felt like home.

She didn't know what home was.

If only she had a dream catcher so she could catch all her dreams and relive them everyday of her life, she would.

"I need a dream catcher", she whispered.

Hi, beautiful people!
A short prologue which I think is necessary for this story.
Votes and comments are highly appreciated. 

Dedication: thank you @coyboygotyourheart for the votes and your feedback :)

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