*HNS (Chapter Five)

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I touched the cast and groaned loudly. The big kicker to this whole thing, is that I did all of this to myself.

My shoulder burned, not as much as my leg, but it was enough for me to look at it.

            “Oh my, did you do that to yourself? Or did you fall?” The doctor grabbed my arm and examined the gash.

            “What did you expect?” I snapped.

            “I-I guess I didn’t think you’d go to extremes… Let me stitch you up, okay?”


I just sat there as he disinfected my arm and stitched me up. I felt as if I had been there for days, though it was just about three hours.

Once I was finally released with a cast and a stitched up arm, Zack brought me back to my room.

            “I can cook you something if you want?” He offered after helping me onto the bed.

            “Sure, I don’t care,” My voice was lifeless.

He noticed and turned back to face me.

            “I had a really good life before. I had awesome friends, family, and I was amazing at soccer if I do say so myself. I was actually doing well for a high school girl. My grades were great- fair, and I had hopes for college,” I said.

I don’t know why I was talking to him; I should just be giving him the cold shoulder, but I wanted him to hear this.

            “I wanted get a college education and then get married to some nice guy with really nice hair. I wanted kids- not this way at all. You took it all away from me, you know that right?”

When I looked at his face, his expression astounded me.

He looked torn, broken almost.

            “I never wanted any of this to happen. I wanted a normal life, but I never got it. My life has been all about death and tragedy. I have never had the chance to fall in love and get married. I have always had some sort of mission. Doing this,” He waved his arms around the room and at me. “I never wanted this Samantha.”

I opened the curtains and saw that it was night, the light of the moon shone into the room, making my skin practically glow.

Zack’s expression was more intense in the moonlight. My angry expression faltered and I suddenly felt a bit guilty again. What’s with these guilty feelings?

            “I’ll get your food.”

            “Thanks,” I looked down at my cast and grabbed a marker.

He came back with a sandwich, which I ate very quickly, then I rested for a very long time.

Zack was with me every minute; he still wouldn’t sleep or eat.

His eyes were dark underneath from lack of sleep. I actually felt sorry for him.

“You shouldn’t do this to yourself Zack,” I told him. Did I seriously just say that?

“I’m fine.”

“Don’t worry about the baby thing. I bet its fine,” I muttered unhappy.

“I know.”

I was lying in the bed with my foot propped up.

The running I had done yesterday made me so tired; I still didn’t have enough sleep.

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