Day 35 (2/4/14) Poetry

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Sometime's I like to write poetry

just things about me.

I write about how i feel that day,

or just things I never say.

I write out my thoughts,

through rhyming words and lots

of lines.

Most of the time they won't even rhyme.

Sometimes my poetry is hella sappy,

but I also write when I'm happy.

I also write when i'm feeling low....

It's jus me expressing myself, y'know?

Hey everyone! thx for reading! hope you are all well. This entry is a heads up that sometimes my posts might just be a simple poem I made up. I get inspired so i poorly attempt to write poetry lol, it's not professional, but I love it & it's a great outlet for me.

Thx for supportin me! love ya'll<33

keep dreaming<33

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