Day 7 (1/7/14) A million reasons to smile :)

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When life gives you a thousand reasons to cry, show the world you have a million reasons to smile.

My bestfriend was the first one who ever pointed out to me that there are so many things in our lives to be happy about, so why be sad? My reasons to smile vary from the simple fact that I'm breathing right now, or that I'm almost at 100 reads lol, or the existence of one direction! or the great things like I am capable of impacting someone's life!

There are times to cry of course, but in order to stay strong we must smile and be positive. Last night I was on the phone with my best friend and I cried for a good two hours, but when I was done I told her despite all my "problems" and my struggles I still find the strength to find hope every morning, and I find that strength in God.

(Just a quick side note, I became a christian when I was 11 so I do incorporate my religion into a lot of my posts and hopefully a lot of you will see the glory of God in my story.)

So smile today, and everyday after, and if you can't think of a reason to smile I'll give you one. I love you, and another reason? God loves you.

Keep smiling and keep dreaming my loves<333

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