Day 9 (1/9/14) Fear

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"Don't be afraid; just believe." (Mark 5:36)

What are you scared of?

I have a pure phobia of spiders! I once had a panic attack when I saw one! It's pretty bad lol. When I was younger I was terrified of watching Tarzan and going to the bathroom in the basement haha, but now my fears consist of the unknown and my future.

Weird how we grow up and everything changes...

Mark 5:36 in the Bible is a very comforting verse though, especially when I start freakin out and being fearful about my future.

It tells us...Don't be afraid, just believe in Jesus. Not only that though, believe in yourself. Believe in your strength and you can face so many obstacles. Stay strong and don't fear anything!

So today, and the rest of your life, when fear starts creepin' up you stand strong and believe in yourself!

Plus, if ur scared about anything, anything at all, dont hesitate to talk to me.

Keep dreaming<33

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