Day 19 (1/19/14) Perfect Day

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today is the perfect day for a perfect day :)

YOU are in control of your destiny. YOU have the choice to make today the best day of your life. YOU have the power to do that!

I love that quote because it really makes me happy and makes me feel confident, that I can make today a perfect day.

Whether that means hanging out with friends, going to church, or doing absolutely nothing at all, I can still make this day what I want it to be!

So today and everyday from now on, let's strive to make the best out of everyday the way we want it to!

I love you all & keep dreaming<33

P.s. I was reading day 5 and i thanked you all for getting me to 48 i'm at 302 reads. I'm speechless and beyond grateful. You guys inspire me and hopefully I do the same for you. Thank you again for following me on this journey & have a great week! mwaah! :-*

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