Day 6 (1/6/14) Rainy Day

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain." ~Vivian Greene

The rain is pouring outside as I'm sitting on the bus...I love the rain though, it makes me feel free.

I can remember so many times over the past summer when it would rain and I would just stop whatever I'm doing and run out into the street. My sister and I would spin and sing and laugh as loud as we could, completely without a care. It didnt matter that my glasses were wet, my hair was drenched, or that my clothes were soaking. All that mattered was that moment and how great it felt to be alive. So yea, I love the rain.

So, I know a lot of times I've found myself just trying to avoid obstacles in my life anyway I can just so my life could be easier, but over time I have realized facing those obstacles/problems head on is what actually makes my life easier.

So today we're gonna keep dreaming, and we're gonna "dance in the rain."<33

Love you all and thanks for reading!!

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