Chapter 3

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*this was for the last chapter*

Scott POV

Derek stands there in front of his sleek black car with his hands stuffed in his pocket and the same old face, never changing.

"Long time no see man" stiles goes up to hug him

"How much have u been smoking since I've been gone
You know I don't like you" Derek stares.

"Correction you don't like anybody except Braedon"

" Okay. What did you guys want anyways ."

" Its been almost a year and nothings happened yet" stiles complain.

" you called me from my hunt of Kate because you haven't been getting any action."

" pretty much..... Yes"

" No. We called you because.... Well okay we need your help because Lydia's been acting weird on the way"
Scott lies.
"How weird ??? By the way where were u guys going ?"

"Jackson" Allison answers.

"How'd u know !!! " Scott screams.

" look ahead "

" look ahead "

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"Oh ....someone likes to make an entrance"

" he's what we came for"

"JacksonLydia whispers as we all just notice she's gotten out of the jeep.

" What's on your hand??"
" what no hi, how are you doing, I miss you, I'm sorry I left. Nothing "
She practically screams.

" I'm sorry but why did you draw the shadow wolf on your hand "

" I'm sorry but why did you draw the shadow wolf on your hand "

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Stiles POV

" A what?" I say.
He moves to touch her but I'm too fast.

" just so were clear Lydia and I are a thing I'm not sure what yet... But a thing. There's a Stydia. I may be no wolf but I'm marking my territory"
I explain.

"Okay. Sorry if I made you feel somehow."

"But there's a problem. The fact that Lydia is a banshee and she drew that... Its a sign that I don't think we should take lightly."
" What's a shadow wolf." I ask.
" How do you know what it is ? I don't." Derek questions.

"I've been studying with some guys in Australia who.... Well know their history they might have brought it up once but I don't know much"
"As much as I'm eager to know we should get back first."

Jackson's POV

Jealousy. Something I haven't felt in forever.
To see here there with stiles was worse than any near death experience
I've been gone 3 years and she ends up with stiles
Whatever happened must have been very tragic.
A little boy like him human can't protect like I can .
Maybe if I stay long enough I can change her heart.... Let her love me again.

Kira POV

Scott  he's all I think about
All day all night but I still feel like I don't deserve him like he belongs with Allison.
I know they have history but I'm his present.
I think it's up to him to figure out who he wants to be his future.

Allison POV

Maybe I should give up on Scott we had a chance but maybe it just wasn't meant to be. I can see Kira is head over heals for him.
He needs to choose one I know it may not be fair but its not fear for us to have him leading us both on.

Scott's POV

I need to choose who I want. What i want.
But for now I need to concentrate on the Shadow Wolf maybe this is it
The worst of all to come.

Oh my gosh my longest chapter ever. Plz tell me if you dont understand something I'm not the best writer.

Xoxo Maya😘😝😎

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