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The queen writhes in frightful, utterly terrifying pain as she feels her child ripping through her; her screams and sobs bringing the identical gut wrenching pain upon the king as he held and hushed her.

Yet that was all that he could do.
That was all that he could do.

Hold her,
hush her,
love her.

Sweat drips upon her flushed face, cheeks red and lips swollen as she unconsciously bites them through the pain. Strands of hair stuck upon her face yet the king himself pushes them away from her gentle face with a cool rag frantically pressing on her supple skin.

He holds her hand.
He kisses her forehead.

"You can do this, my love. For our child." He whispers upon her skin, kissing her ear faintly.

His heart was pounding; as was hers. For they knew that such pain from this could only lead to such irreplaceable joy.

The midwife coaxed to push once more; once more and the world shall be held upon the safety of their arms.

She screams once more; hands fisting the lavish linens on their mattress and her other gripping the king's tightly whilst letting such powerful scream that entails such relief that her pain vanishes.

Yet there was another.

A mighty scream erupts, rattling the awaiting castle. The awaiting kingdom.

Filling them with hope.
Filling them with joy.

For the queen was wronged deeply; she knew not what pure relief meant until she heard the scream.

The scream of the royal babe.

The queen sobs upon this, grasping her husband's hand as they both reach for their babe. The midwife handed the royal heir, with tears in her eyes that could entail nothing but the thought of pride and joy.

The queen reaches for the child and cooes softly as she held the swaddled babe in her arms. The royal babe screams with it's small, pink full mouth parted, yet instantly silences upon the very first moment the child was held in her mother's tender arms. The king and queen fills up with joy to the very brim of their hearts as they stare at the love that they have made. He encased his wife and child in his arms protectively as he whispered to his queen.

"We did it, my love. I am so proud of you. We did it, and I could not have anything more to wish for."

Yet he was wrong.
Utterly wrong.

The queen nods her head in agreement, gazing at him with her eyes tear filled. She sobs once more, nuzzling her child's cheek and kissing the soft, innocent and pure flesh.

The queen unwrapped the swaddle of her child, and was shocked and over joyed as she saw it.

A baby girl.
A princess.
A queen.

"Oh my, we have a daughter!" She gasps and the king could not be more than glad at this; he had two girls to protect his whole life.
And he would.
He would do anything to protect his family.

But you see, the king was wrong.
He was so, utterly wrong.

The princess was truly an angel.
Her small body contains such warmth that it manages to seep into everyone's hearts who laid sight upon her.

Soft baby hairs on her delicate head.
Skin the purest, fairest and softest of all.
Lips as red as blood.
Eyelashes soft and marvelously long.
Cheeks soft and red.
Her nose straight and pointed;


She was strikingly beautiful and she had only been here for a few moments.

"What shall we name her?" The queen whispered to her husband with her eyes never leaving the angel; the blessing she held so dearingly.

"Isabelle." He whispers. "Princess Isabelle II of the kingdom of Valenzcigiela."

And oh, she feels as if she reached higher than the heavens; grasped something more valuable than the brightest star.

A tear falls down her tired yet euphoric face and the king was quick to wipe it away. "You wish to name her after me?" She sobs, for this, this is such an unbelievable moment.

Is she dreaming? She wonders.

She must be.

"I do. I wish to name her after you, my love. For she deserves a name of an angel. For she deserves the world. And you, my dear Isabelle are my world. You are hers too. She deserves you so much, more than the stars above. She deserves to be your child and you to be her mother." He silenced her with his mouth placed on hers and he kissed and held his daughter to his heart's content.

He was so happy.

For he had nothing to wish for.
Nothing at all.
The world is in his possession.
His family is his.
And he couldn't be more elated.

Yet he was wrong.
Utterly wrong.



Her mother knew that her dear little Isabelle was bound to be a light in one's world filled with darkness.

She would fill it with light, hope, love and strength. She said as she held the mighty beautiful babe in her arms.

She knew, from the moment that she laid sight upon her daughter that she would be an angel that will bring kindness and courage.

"You will be a mighty wise and loving queen one day, will you not be my love?" She cooes as she watches her daughter sleep soundly in the safety of her mother's arms.

She had not opened her eyes yet, and the queen could not be more excited. The princess had been only born for an hour and she continued to sleep soundly.

Yet the queen could not resist to talk to her daughter, feeling her; memorizing her.

Loving her with all that she has.

"Your husband will be such a blessed man for he gets to hold the whole universe, the stars, the moon, the sun in his hands in every second, every hour. An entire lifetime and more. For he gets to love you and call you his. Your kingdom will love you greatly; unconditionally for you love them so. For I know, that you will be the greatest queen this world will ever see. And you have not even spoken yet." She smiles, a tear running down her cheek in pure joy as she tenderly ran her thumb across the princess' soft cheek; skin pink and soft.

And you see, the queen is right.
The queen is purely, utterly right.

She reaches across, and searches in the small golden chest that was sat on the bed upon her kind order. For she could not bare to stand yet.

The pain was too much.
Yet love overpowers that an infinite times.

She reaches for it, such tenderness for it is for her precious daughter. She holds it in her fist, gazing at it in her palm as she flits her eyes to her sleeping angel.

"This is for you, my angel. And oh, does it suit you well."

And yes, the queen is right.
Infinitely, purely and utterly right.



There's the third installment!

Phew! I'm less busy now hahaha so I will now probably write more for you guys. Hahaha

Anyways did you like it? What are your thoughts and theories about this chapter?

Thank you all and all the love!

God Bless!

To God be the Glory! 

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