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Body trembling; frozen.

I was astonished at his words. His? Object I am not; possession cannot be claimed upon me. This brought my heart beating wildly; for how could he let it slip passed his lips with such ease? How mundane was it that he was convinced to say it fluently?
Peasant or not, do I not get my rightful amount of respect?

Yet all dimmed as this came to light.

Why did the King choose me so?

There are thousands — millions of women whom he can choose from. All with title, beauty and grace. Yet here he was, stood before me and I him, bringing forth the news that I was his to claim.

A King that bears the mightiest and strongest Kingdom surely had met women who were dressed with the finest of ball gowns, lived a full life of luxury and never have had the experience of having calloused hands and feet. Women that were perfumed and bathed to perfection and of course, a title that made them rightful to be seated beside him.

Why must he choose a maiden of no importance?

It was then I had noticed not from the depths of my thoughts that the King had spun me around, facing my trembling and confused-riddled body towards him. The stare burns and scorches upon my flesh, emitting shivers from my spine as I felt it even when I could not lay sight upon it.

"M-My King, what ever do you mean?" I questioned, tilting my head up inquisitively. Being so close to him makes my heart thud and pound loudly as we were inches apart.

He holds my waist and I could feel him.

Yet wrong I was to not know that he held my heart the very moment that he heard me and I him.

"Mine, darling. Mine. You are mine now and you do everything I say. You will live here and you will do as I please." he whispers quietly yet powerfully, pulling me flush against him. Emerald eyes glowing with such intensity that it rendered me breathless. His eyes were filled with such determination; such command and ferocity. 

A true King. 

My brows furrow and my body trembles in fright. "B-But sire I beg of you, I know that I am no doubt no one of importance and you a King, yet please, Your Majesty set aside not the fact that I am a human. Shall I bear title or not I still have my rights. Please do not objectify me. I am a nobody, therefore I . . . I am nobody's." I finished and winced as his grip on me tightened. He growls deeply, the deep rumble resonating from his chest.

He likes not what he hears.


"Well sweetheart, let me lighten up things to you." he hissed upon my ear lethally.

He roughly drags me forward, upon the place where he must have been earlier, a wall lit very dimly so with flickering candles.

Which I have noticed not.

It was when his hands trapped my body roughly upon the wall near the candles that had me fearing him a thousand times than I did before. Our bodies pressed so close with my head leveled against his chest and I could almost hear the thrumming of his heart from our close proximity.

But then. . .

I was fascinated.

All of the mounting fear that I have felt earlier vanished; gone into the thin air. Warmth filled the very bottom of my being, and it pleased me and confused me more than I could say.

Emerald eyes fixated upon mine—more so, glared back at me. They contained such beauty and intensity that it rendered me speechless within his hold. It was as if they were the greenest of the green; resembling trees.

They are, they are.

Such wonderful eyes that stare deeply within my soul. More precious than the finest jewels ever known to mankind; each fleck in his eyes were so rare and beautiful. Dark and long lashes framing his eyes, eyebrows knitted together in ferocity that made my mind ponder momentarily on what he may look like with a genuine grin; a tender smile.

Cheeks that look so soft and smooth and his lips—oh his lips. Heart shaped lips, plump and lush that looked so soft it was as if he had just kissed every maiden in the Kingdom to have such red, plump, and soft looking lips.

Those lips brushed my ear tenderly.

His hair surpassed all that I had imagined for it was so luscious. Curls that looked ever so soft that I wish to reach over and touch it. It framed his face beautifully, making him look so powerful and sharp and strong at the same time. His chest; oh his chest. Strong, tanned and firm skin stretching to accentuate the muscles of his chest.

Yet again, I was broken from my reverie abruptly when he deftly slammed and jostled me to draw my fleeting attention, causing my head to hit the wall painfully that I was starting to feel a headache forming.

He growls, a menacing sound of a true King that demands to be heard. "You will do as I say! I am your King and I will do whatever I want to do to you. You are just a commoner in my eyes, I have countless women begging for my attention. Be glad that I even gave you the time of the day! Do you understand? If you do not know how to follow my orders I shall do it the hard way and believe me, you would not want that. Do you understand me?" He sneers, large warm hand roughly grasping my cheeks in a tight grip causing me to wince in pain. Body frozen and filled with fear, my eyes seemed not to avert from his no matter how I wish and beg to for I am frozen and at loss for words.

My heart clenched painfully, for is this how he treats and sees us commoners before his very eyes? People whom he could toy with and snatch from their homes at his very word?

A gentle drip of pain, a fire of humiliation.
Tears fell from my eyes, marking a fine line upon the softness of my cheeks.

For how could he?

Be him a powerful King or not, he possesses no right to do such. Of blood of a commoner or not, nobody should be handled as he did to me.

Yet what was I to do?


With a painful heart, and a weeping soul, I speak of words that fill such bitterness within me. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty."

I care not if he sees me weeping, for crying means not that you are weak. It is to signify that you have a heart—one that he seems not to have.

His eyes, chanting such hardness yet for a moment's whim, it sang of regret. Yet time was not my friend for before I knew it, wild evergreens set alight;

alight with anger.

My King, when are you to sing a song of kindness?


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all the love x.

God Bless!

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