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That's harry, then that's Gemma (the one in red) in the pic. That's their real photo and harry is currently brown haired in there.

In the story, Harry is an ONLY child. The reason why I did not crop Gemma out is because I want you all to know that that is really Harry, and for a proof, Gemma herself is beside him.

Thank you!


"It is a boy!"

"Oh, heavens! A boy!"

"A prince! Seforaux has a prince!"

"Is he handsome? Is he beautiful?"

"He is beautiful and handsome beyond words; have you seen not our king and queen? Both look marvelous and mighty fine and beautiful, our prince obtained their beauty an infinite times."

Excitement ran through every person in the castle; for a prince was born. A beautiful, mighty handsome babe. Loud clamor ran almost everywhere in the castle; ecstatic beyond compare as the most awaited moment arrived.

The prince whimpers and writhes in his mother's arms, wrapped in the softest cloth with his handsome face blotched red from crying. His skin so tender and delicate; lips full and red. Dark tufts of hair on his delicate head, long lashes framing his eyes that are yet to open.

"What might be the color of my angel's eyes?" His mother soothes quietly, tenderly rubbing his soft cheek with her finger.

And upon hearing his mother's wonder; his eyes opened gently for the first time and squinted cutely.

A forest.
Just like them.

But his eyes held more beauty than what could be seen.

"He is beautiful, my love." The king whispered in awe at his son.

"Indeed he is. What a blessing God has given us." She responds, voice shaky as tears streamed down her face. She leaned down, still in pain from the fourteen hours of labour yet she minded not. She tenderly kissed his forehead, her husband doing the same to their son.

The prince looks at his mother, mouth opening and closing as soft sounds and whimpers made their way past his plump lips.

His father sits beside his family, gazing at the blessing that God has given them.

"What shall we name him?" King Landry whispers softly to his wife as he gently gives his finger to his son, which in turn made him wrap his delicate hand around his father's finger.

His eyes a bright green with flecks of gold; precious and innocent.
Cheeks soft and tender.
Lips plump and red.
Long lashes framing his marvelous eyes.
Nose straight and pointed.
Dark tufts of hair on his delicate head.

"Harry." Queen Alexa whispers.

Upon hearing his name, he flashes a cute, toothless grin to his mother and father making them laugh in complete awe and love.

"Harry Edward." Queen Alexa said with light in her smile and pure love in her heart.

King Landry welled up in joy, speaking as he gazed at his little son, the light of his world.

"Prince Harry Edward of Seforaux."



There comes baby prince Harry! He's so cute isn't he? Very handsome. Hahahah I think we all know that. 😍

The unknown suitor and now the husband that Princess Alexa had chosen is none other than King Landry of Seforaux!

Thank you all for voting, commenting and sharing!

God Bless!

To God Be the Glory!

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