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A/N: was really busy with school work, I'm sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. Love you all!


I was brought out from my comfortable slumber for soft, plump lips kissed mine with all the softness that they could muster. Soft yet rough hand placed upon my cheek. They moved against mine, massaging against my still ones. Still dazed from slumber, I whimpered upon his lips, my brows furrowing in confusion as my eyes fluttered open. His jade eyes so close to me, glinting with joy. He peppered kisses to my cheek, stopping upon reaching my ear. My cheeks flushed as he gently nipped my ear, pressing kisses upon the tender flesh. "Wake up baby, we are here." He whispers huskily, kissing my ear once more. It is then that I take notice of my surroundings; seated upon the plush velvet chairs of the royal carriage, cradled in my king's comforting embrace. I sat straight with the flesh of my cheeks reddening eve more upon coming to the realization that I have fallen asleep on Harry the whole time our carriage travelled back to the royal castle.

Upon taking notice of my flushed cheeks, he leans forward and abruptly kisses both of my cheeks - causing them to redden even more making him chuckle quietly.


Oh my king, however could you muster such enchanting sound?

His laugh so quiet, yet it manages to be the most heart-racing sound that my heart has ever heard.

My head drops upon his shoulder out of sleep and embarrassment. My nose nuzzling against the warm crook of his neck making him shudder softly. "You do not have to be embarrassed, darling. I was more than delighted to observe every single inch of your angelic face." He admits, emitting laughter from his lips for I groaned against him.

"Come on baby, we must go." He taps my waist gently and that made me sit upright. With that, the footman opened the carriage doors for us ad bowed respectfully. Harry stepped out from the carriage, nodding to the footman as he passed by. He stopped in front of the carriage, offering his warm hand to me to which I accepted. With my hand encased in his and my other gripping my dress, I stepped out of the carriage, thanking the footman for his kind services. We trailed upon the grand entrance of the palace with Harry's hand intertwined with mine.

Yet as we mounted the stairs entailing to the grand entrance of the palace Liam immediately caught our attention. "Your majesty, my lady." He bows before continuing, "The Queen and Regent of Valenzcgiela are here, sire. They are halted upon the grand gates for we have not granted them entrance. With your permission, your majesty." He says, concern lacing his eyes for he knew that this might infuriate the king greatly. My brows furrow; why are they here?

My king's brows furrow, as fury grows clear in his eyes. "It seems as if the filthy rats have an annoying habit of arriving unannounced. Send them in. Tell them next time that they do this, they shall be forced out of my kingdom's grounds. Ungracefully." He growls, his hand tightening upon mine and the other balling into a fist.

Oh my king, I understand.

I understand your pure fury.

My hand reaches to his strong arm, rubbing tenderly in order for him to calm down. His head snaps to me, and I see it.

He calms down.

For me.

He inhales deeply and his eyes close, revealing those golden evergreen that I admire so deeply once he exhales. His face briefly relaxes, a faint smile curling ever so slightly upon his lush lips. His eyes caring as they stared back at mine. He tenderly kisses my forehead, his hands cradling my cheeks.

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