"Rafeal" Satarou replied.

"Br-brother?" Tiny stuttered out, shocked. He never would have thought that he would hear about his brother again. He thought his brother had died!

"Rafeal said he didn't know anyone with the name of Tiny" Satarou's voice was pure honesty, "he said he had a younger brother with the name of Rikahl."

Tiny collasped to his hands and knees, sobbing loudly as he cried a river of tears.

"Tiny?" Satarou asked.

"It's just" Tiny sobbed, "Rikahl is my true name. I changed it when I came to the Bloodstone clan because I wanted to start over. Tiny was the nickname my brother use to call me because I was a lot smaller than everyone else."

"Why did you guys get separated?" Now Satarou was curious.

"Well, you see, Rafeal was a warrior. I had aspired to be a warrior, too, and it was all thanks to Rafeal. He inspired me a lot" Tiny sniffled, "but one day at the castle we lived at-the castle Rafeal helped to protect- was attacked. Rafeal made me flee when it didn't ease up, and the last thing I saw as I left was Rafeal getting injured badly. I thought he died!"

"You will see him again" Satarou said a matter of factly.

"Who knew you could get so sentimental, princess?" Satarou looked up to see Leon leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, smirking. Yui stood next to him, hiding behind the tree Leon was leaning against.

"Nothing happened" Satarou glared invisible daggers at Leon.

With his eyes full of tears, Tiny wiped them away with the soft fabric of his sleeve, "thank you, Satarou. I mean it."

Satarou turned his gaze downwards, glaring at the floor in embarrassment, "I didn't do anything." Before anyone could answer him, he moved towards his tent when someone bumped into his injured side.

"Ouch!" Satarou bit his lip as he gritted in pain, collapsing onto his hands and knees. He stiffened a moment later, realizing a crowd has formed around him and is now watching the feisty teen. His gaze hardened as he stared everyone down, "what are you all looking at? Shoo!"

"Brother? What's wrong, brother?" Yui ran over to Satarou's side, tears falling down his cheeks in streams.

Satarou looked away in embarrassment, "it's nothing, Yui." He stood up, shaking a little with the pain, "see? I am perfectly fine-" He had a hard time keeping his balance and his knees felt like jelly, so he just ended up collapsing again.

"Whoa there, princess, you've had enough excitement for today" Leon ran over to Satarou's side and lifted the teen up bridal style.

"Let me go!" Satarou snapped, not feeling safe with anyone touching him.

"Don't worry, princess, i'm only bringing you to your tent. I need to check your wound" Leon rolled his eyes as he stepped on fields of leaves.

Walking alongside Leon, Yui asked, "Wound? Brother is hurt?" Yui's eyes were open wide, and tears were still falling down his cheeks, non-stop.

Inside the tent, Leon set Satarou down. He took the kimono off of Satarou, and unwrapped the bandages. There was only a little bit of blood.

"Oh good, your stitches haven't opened" Leon said earnestly.

"Satar, you're injured! What happened?" Yui pleaded.

"It's nothing" Satarou said in response, flinching a moment later at Yui's voice.

"Satarou!" Yui only ever used the teen's full first name when the situation was serious, "what happened? Please tell me!"

Satarou stayed quiet, but Leon spoke up, "he almost died. That's how he ended up with these injuries. He was lucky I happened to find him when I did because he was passed out and he was bleeding out fast. He wouldn't have lasted much longer if I hadn't found him."

"Brother almost died?" Yui sniffled, "why wouldn't you tell me something like this? Brother!" There still wasn't a reply, and Yui's voice was full of dread, sadness, and tears as he asked his next question, "brother, don't you trust me?"

"I do, Yui-" Satarou couldn't believe what he was hearing! Why would Yui ask such a question? Doesn't the boy know that he was doing everything he can to protect him? And if it means almost dying, then so be it. He'd protect his younger brother with his life with no hesitation at all.

"Then why would you not tell me something this serious?" Yui demanded, now a sobbing mess, "What were you doing? Were you chasing after him, again? I told you it's not important if it means dying! Brother, let's just drop it." He could not lose his brother again! Yui knew that Satarou was only doing this to protect him, but he couldn't bare to lose him. Sniffling, Yui continued, "please, brother. Let's stop. I can't bare to lose you, brother."

"I'm sorry, Yui" Satarou gave a small sigh before offering a small smile to his brother, "if it makes you happy, then I can give up on getting revenge."

"Really, brother? You will do that for me?" Yui was really hopeful as Satarou gave a small nod, "thank you, brother!"

Yui gave Satarou a big hug, being careful not to injure him worse. Satarou couldn't help but to feel guilty as he hugged his brother back gently.

"Wouldn't want to ruin this moment, but" Leon told the two, "I should really head back now. I've been here long enough and my clan needs me back home."

"Goodbye, idiot" Satarou glared at Leon, still hugging Yui.

"Bye, Leon! Have a safe trip!" Yui pulled away from Satarou to give Leon a quick hug, "thank you for saving my brother and bringing him home to me!"

After Leon exited the tent, Satarou put his kimono back on and drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Satarou felt well enough to walk again, so he decided to take a small walk outside of his tent. Yui and Lightning were still sleeping, both curled up against each other for warmth.

He had been walking around mindlessly, but he greeted Winnie happily when he found her in her stall. He was petting her beautiful fur when he sensed someone spying on him.

"Who is it?" Satarou growled fiercely, "show yourself!"

Sparrow stepped out of the bushes and let out one of his own growls, "it's about time we settle this once and for all!"

"Settle what?" the two were circling around each other, growling and snarling, wondering who would make the first move.

"You burned down my village! Because of you, I got separated from my family and I don't even know if they survived! I barely survived!" Sparrow growled.

"Burned down your village? What are you talking about? Have you gone insane?" his voice was full of fury, his cheeks redder than a tomato, and his nostrils flared. How dare Sparrow accuse him of burning down his village!

"You burned down my village five years ago! You can't possibly tell me you forgot using magic to create fire and shooting it at the village!" Satarou felt impact hit his back when the younger teen tackled him to the ground.

"I didn't do any of that!" Satarou would have remembered burning down a village!

Satarou was about to shove Sparrow off of him when they both froze, suddenly finding themselves surrounded by a bunch of Warriors. Satarou had only brought his sword with him, too, so he was out of luck when it came to fighting from a distance. All both teens could do was stare at the bunch of Warriors that circled them.

"By under of the prince's order, you are underarrest, wolf!" one of the warriors announced. Satarou scrunched up his nose, realizing they were talking about him. "Or should I say mutt? We finally found you, and you have two choices. You can either come quietly, or we will take you by force! What will your answer be?"

Satarou unsheathed his sword and growled, "I will not go with you!" He glanced over to Sparrow, "run while you still can! This is my fight, bear!"

But Sparrow did not leave. "And miss out on my chance to get revenge? No thank you!"

"So that is what your answer will be, huh? Then we will just have to take you by force!" and with that, the warriors were signaled to attack.

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