Satarou didn't answer. He stayed still as Leon put the kimono on him.

"Let me go get you some food" Leon told Satarou.

Satarou glanced up at Leon. "I want to go outside and eat."

Leon rolled his eyes, but nodded anyways. "Let me carry you outside, then. I can introduce you to a few of my clan members." Satarou didn't complain as Leon carefully lifted the disappointed teen up and began walking outside. He set Satarou on a big log next to one other guy. "I will go get you some food, princess. You two may talk if you want to." Satarou watched for a moment as Leon left before he glanced up to the big guy next to him.

Taking a closer look at this strange man, Satarou noticed that he looked really similar to Tiny. Tiny was 5"4, but Satarou decided this guy had to at least be 6 foot tall. This guy had snow white hair that ran down to the crook of his back in one long, swift braid. He had bangs, and two chunks of hair on either side of his face that framed his features nicely, along with bright, yet soft-looking sky blue eyes. Like Tiny, this man also had a set of fox ears and one fluffy fox tail behind him, though the tail was larger than Tiny's. Satarou thought he was almost a mirror image of Tiny.

Satarou couldn't help but frown as he studied this man before he blurted out, "Are you Tiny's brother?"

"Tiny?" the guy appeared to be confused. Was Satarou mistaken?

"Yes, his name is Tiny" Satarou frowned, "he looks a lot like you. I was wondering if you were his brother."

"Sorry, I don't know anyone by the name of Tiny" the man told Satarou, "I am Rafeal. I use to be a warrior for the prince before the castle was attacked. I eventually found the Black Jasper clan and have been living here since. I watch over the clan when Leon has to leave. I had a brother named Rikahl, but he wasn't a warrior like I was. He was younger and has to escape earlier than I did. I miss him so much, but I have no idea where he is located, or if he is even still alive."

Satarou nodded. He had no idea why this man trusted him with his story, but he had listened anyways. A moment later, Leon returned with two plates. Both plates contained one chicken leg and some potato salad.

"Here you go" Leon tried handing the plate to Satarou.

"I'm not hungry" Satarou mumbled.

"Yes, you are. It's been five days since you've last eaten. Who knows when the last time you had eaten before then was" Leon frowned, "you need to eat so you can heal faster. I will force feed you if I have to."

When Satarou opened his mouth to protest once more, Leon took that oppurtunity to shove a fork full of potato salad into the reluctant teen's mouth.

Glaring, Satarou took the fork out of his mouth and chewed before swallowing, "fine, I can eat myself. Give me the plate." Leon was more than happy to hand it over.

Reluctantly, Satarou began to eat.

"So did you two talk?" Leon smiled. They both nodded.

"Yes, but he never did give his name" Rafeal admitted.

"Now that you mention it, princess, you never did tell me your name, either" Leon frowned, "you need to work on introducing yourself when people introduce themselves to you."

Satarou grunted his response, but didn't say anything otherwise. He just focused on eating the food that was placed in front of him. He was surprised he wasn't demanding his weapons back right now. Due to the stress of his injuries, he had completely forgotten all about them.

"Where are my weapons?" Satarou asked them when the thought crossed his mind. He had just finished his food.

"I will give you them tomorrow" Leon said, "you don't need them right now with the way your injuries are. What is your name, by the way?"

Glaring, he turned away to direct his glare at the floor as he finally answered them, "Satarou."

"What a lovely name for a princess" Leon joked.

"You're a female?" Rafeal asked, confused.

"No!" Satarou snapped, glaring at them, "he likes calling me a female for some reason. He's an idiot! As soon as I am healed, he is dead meat!"

"You will be back in your clan by then" Leon shrugged.

"Then you better hope that I don't find you" Satarou grunted in annoyance. He was very annoyed with Leon. Satarou decided that the man lived to torment him.

"Oh, come on, no need to be so butthurt about it, princess" Leon cooed jokingly.

"I'm not butthurt!" Satarou snapped, glaring at Leon, "besides, you know i'm male. You have seen me naked."

At that, Rafeal's face turned red, "is there something going on between you two that I should know about?"

Leon rolled his eyes. "Nothing is going on, Rafeal. I had found him naked when I came across him in the first place. And even if he wasn't naked, I would still have had to take off his kimono in order to wrap him up in bandages."

"Oh, okay" Rafeal sighed in relief before asking Satarou, "what were you doing naked in the forest? You collasped from blood loss, so does that mean you fought naked? Do you usually do that?"

"No!" Satarou told Rafeal, "I'm a werewolf! Of course I had to take off my kimono. I couldn't keep in wolf form when I passed out from blood loss."

"Oh, you're a werewolf?" Rafeal seemed excited, "i'm a werefox! But for some reason, I can't seem to hide my ears and tail like wereanimals are supposed to be able to do." Rafeal seemed embarrassed when he admitted the last part.

"It takes practice" Satarou mumbled, "some wereanimals are a natural at hiding them, and others need practice. It's nothing to feel ashamed about."

"Oh, is our little princess growing soft?" Leon teased.

"Am not!" Satarou snapped, "I have had enough of this conversation! Take me back so I can sleep! I want to get up early to search for Yui!"

Leon laughed before he agreed. "Alright then, I will take you back."

"Bye Satarou! It was nice meeting you! Hopefully our paths may cross again!" Rafeal smiled. Satarou grunted, but nodded his acknowledgment anyways. Leon carefully lifted Satarou up once more and carried him to the tent.

Once in there, Leon set Satarou down softly and tucked him in the blanket. "Goodnight, princess. I will see you first thing in the morning."

Satarou didn't reply. Instead, he looked away in embarrassment at having been tucked in. He began staring at the top of the tent when he heard Leon leave.

Satarou was tired, but he couldn't help but feel scared to find the clan. He knew that Yui would probably yell at him before he realized that his brother was hurt. Satarou wasn't even sure that he wanted Yui to know he was hurt, but there isn't anything he can do when he can hardly even walk. Also, he had been missing for almost a full week already. It would be hard to come up for an excuse for why he went missing.

Sighing, Satarou closed his eyes and began to drift off into sleep.

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