Chapter Twelve

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As I was waking up I felt Jay rubbing my back. When I opened my eyes he was laying facing me. Jay smiled and told me good morning.

"It's Saturday I'm supposed to be sleeping Jay."

"I know but I wanted to talk to you before I left. My boss called this morning and I need to go take care of a few things. I'm going to be gone a week."

"Who is staying here with me? Cam or Aiyden?"

"Actually neither of them. I have to take Aiyden with me and Cam has to be somewhere, I guess it's his daughters birthday and he's going to see her. Blaine is going to stay until he gets back." I shot out of bed and started yelling about how I couldnt stay here with him and how I wanted to go with Jay but nothing good came of it. Jay ended up leaving and I was stuck with Blaine.

At first I locked myself in Jay's room and refused to come out but Blaine quickly grew tired of it and called Jay who told him where to find a spare key that would unlock Jay's bedroom. He opened the door and told me to come out or he was going to take the hinges off. I Know how violent he can be and I need to be careful so he doesnt start hitting me.

I followed him out to the living room where he made me sit with him while he played on a laptop. I figured while he was distracted I could go take a shower but as soon as I stood up he asked me where I was going. "I wanted to take a shower. I dont feel good and I figured it would help."

"You have twenty minutes, after that I'm coming to get you and I wont be nice if I have to bust the door down."

With so little time I ran up to my room to get jeans and a hoodie before heading into the bathroom and taking one of the quickest showers I have ever had. I was creeping on fifteen minutes when I decided I was as clean as I could get without Blaine coming in. I climbed out of my nice warm shower and into the cold outside of the shower door.

I wiped the mirror off and looked at myself. I was shocked that nothing had changed. I've been kidnapped a little over a week but from my face you could never tell. I began to pull my clothes on distractidly as I thought about what is going to happen to me. They say that if your missing more than forty-eight hours you're a gonner. Did they stop looking for me? Or are they still searching? I wish I had a way to tell them where I am.

I could hear footsteps on the stairs and I knew Blaine was on his way to make me come out. I finished buttoning my pants just as he pulled the door open. I tried to act like he didnt affect me as I continued to brush my hair and not acknowledge his presence. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him leaning against the door frame watching me.

"You know Ashlynn, you have a really nice body, kind of makes me want to touch it." He reached out to grab my butt and I panicked. I tried to bolt out of the door so I wasnt cornered in the bathroom but he grabbed me and I could smell alcohol on his breath. It sent me into a panic attack as I remembered my father and everything that he did while he was drunk.

I thought I was going to pass out but I ended up keeping my breath instead of letting my panicky breathing pull me under. The dark spots that had begun to clowed my vision slowly melted away. Blaine grabbed me and pulled me out of the bathroom and towards Jay's room. I began to panick again, especially when he threw me on the bed. I tried to get back up but he threw me back down.

By now I was begging him to stop and to leave me alone but there was no stopping him after he pinned me down. I was scared and crying as he tried to kiss me, especially when he pulled out his gun and put it to my head threatening to shoot if I didnt kiss him back. I did as he said only to save my life. I felt dirty kissing him as he touched my body roughly. By time he started pulling off our clothes and had blocked out and went to the same place I did last time, a place where I could forget what was going on with my body. I could pretend, even if only for just a couple minutes, that I was in a happier place.

When he was done and finally left the room I layed there crying and broken. I tried to pull myself together but it was impossible. My mind kept running through all of the bad memories of what I have been through and I decided to do the only thing that could ease the pain, I went looking for a knife.

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