Chapter nine

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Aiyden was asleep on the couch when I went downstairs. He doesn't look scary when he's asleep. In fact, if I didn't have such a bad past with my guardian I probably wouldn't be as nervous around him.


My life was good. All I really had to worry about was school and cheerleading practice, I was a freshman and captain of the varsity team so when a girl on the team said she needed help I offered to stay late. my guardians had never minded before so I left a message on the home phone and stayed to help.

When I got home around six my foster dad's car was in the dive but my mom's wasnt. That was weird, normally she is home first not my dad. When I opened the door the first thing that hit me was the huge mess the house was. Mom is a clean freak and there was normally nothing out of place.

The next thing I noticed was my foster dad, he was on the couch in dirty clothes drinking something out of a glass. I wasn't sure what he was drinking but the stench of alcohol burned my nose. When he caught sight of me he started yelling at me for being out so late before blaming me for mom leaving.

I couldn't believe she left or that he was blaming me. Our family seemed so perfect when I left for school this morning. It all seemed unreal, that is until my foster dad decided to beat reality into me.

The first couple of days he just hit me. Getting punched and kicked became normal as well as lying to people when they asked what happened. After a while I had to quit cheerleading. I wS sore from my dad hitting me and couldn't do much. He told me I had to quit anyways. According to him I wasn't home enough.

He got more violent as freshman year ended and we got out for the summer. Be began to burn me and cut me when he got mad. He was a violent alcoholic and a couple of times I thought I would die. I had a friend that I could see when I snuck out after my dad passed out. We dated a while but when my dad found out he began to call me a whore and a slut.

Jut before school started up he decided to take things further. He began drugging and raping me. He made me drop out of high school and I thought my life was over. I was forced into four abortions within the next four months. When I came in for a pregnancy test they called the police and I was taken out of that foster home. My foster dad went to prison and the police called in a few favors to get me back on track.


As I came out of the flashback I was shaking feeling the fear and pain I went through all over again. Before I could stop it I began to dry heave. I ran for the bathroom and caught it just in time for my stomach to push out what little food I have eaten I the past two days.

I sat there crying for a while before there was a knock on the door. It was Aaliyah asking if I was okay. I pulled myself together and went out to assure her I was okay. Ali asked me if I wanted to go swimming after breakfast and I told her I would love to. I ate some pancakes to relieve the pain in my stomach and went to change I my bathing suit.

When I got outside Ali and Aiyden were outside already. Ali was already swimming and Aiyden was in a lounge chair playing on his phone. I sat on the edge of the pool dangling my legs in the water. Ali tried to get me in the pool but I told her I couldn't swim. After a while she talked me into going to the shallow end. I was okay once I'm knew I could reach and soon my worries from the flashback melted away.

We must have swam a long time because Jay was home and the guys were cooking I the grill. I had lost track of time with my focus on learning to swim. There was a diving board at the other end and Aaliyah dared me to jump, she promised to save me if I started to drown so i took her up on it. I climbed out of the pool and all eyes were on me.

As I reached the top of the diving bored I saw that the guys had sat in lounge chairs and were watching me. I walked to the very end and back getting a feel for the length of the board. I started at the end and did a round off handspring and as my feet hit I shot up doing a back tuck off of the board. I hit the water hard but was able to get back to the top and to the edge of the pool. Everyone began to clap and all I could do was blush at the attention.

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