Chapter Five

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I wasnt entirely sure what these guys were doing but I soon realized they were taking the girls somewhere. Blaine came over and was unlocking my cage when my curiosity truly set in. I'm not sure what is going on but wherever they are taking us Blaine didnt think the other guys could control me.

To tired to fight I allowed him to pull me out of the cage and lead me upstairs. With a sharpie they wrote a number on my wrist and shoved me into a room full of girls where we were expected to take a shower and get dressed in clothes they picked out. We were kept under surveillance by Cameron who was in the shower room with us. I hate to say it but I'm glad he's in here and not some other guy that might try to hurt us. 

I was forced to take my clothes off and shower in a room full of girls. It was set up like a school locker room. A bunch of shower heads on the outside walls pointed at the center of the room. I was given a couple of small bottles that had soap in them and afterwards I was given a towel and sent into the next room. In there another man sat along with Blaine. They handed me a clothes and sent me into a small covered area so that I could get dressed. 

As I unwrapped the outfit I saw that it was the dress I was wearing when they kidnapped me. I didnt want hit anymore so I put the stupid dress on and went back out to the main room again. Blaine took my towel and put it in a laundry bin before pulling me with him out the door. We walked outside a few minutes and showed up at the barn I saw when we first came in. There were more cages set up and once again I was locked in one only this time I was a lot less clothed.

After a while a steady flow of people came in, both men and women, and were looking at all of us girls in cages. I dont understand why they arent trying to help us. I dont want to be here but I'm stuck. A couple guys walked by me stopping to look at me but then moving on slowly. I dont know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. 

Blaine showed up a few minutes later with a new guy. I dont know who he is but he seems to be really close with Blaine. He was about 5' 6" and was built with a lot of muscle. He stands tall and looks very imposing with his dark brown hair. The only thing that looked even remotely kind on him was his bright blue eyes. Something about him just screamed dangerous.

"Jay this is my newest catch. Her name is Ashlynn. I picked her up in Michigan while I was up there visiting an old friend."

"She selling today?" His voice had a thick hispanic ring to it.

"I hope so, I wanted to show her to you. She seems like the type you go for. She's been trying to run we finally had to tye her up." Jay looked at me and stepped closer to the cage telling me to stand up. I was nervous but the look on Blaine's face told me to stand up or I would regret it. 

As I slowly got to my feet Blaine unlocked the door and Jay stepped up to the doorway. As he stepped closer I took a step back. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the cage. It was nice to be able to stand up straight, I havent been able to do that in these stupid cages, but that didnt make me any more fond of this new guy.

He turned me slowly getting a good look at me before lifting my head so he could see my face. "She's very pretty. If the price is right I will definitely be buying her tonight." This guy wants to buy me and I'm not entirely sure what he has in mind to do with me. What else do you expect me to do other than run? I quickly turned and took off running for the nearest exit. I got a little wase away before some guy grabbed me and held me at gun point. 

"Where do you think your going Ashlynn?" It was Cameron! He hasnt been to bad to me. Maybe he will let me go. Or at least protect me from the anger Blaine is surely going to release after that escape attempt. I really didnt think this through.

As the two guys began to advance on my I began to panic. With no voice I wasnt sure how to tell Cameron to help me. Terrified I did the only thing I could do, I wrapped my arms around Cam and burried my face in his chest crying.

"Well, that was a little unexpected. I've never seen a girl hug someone who was holding them at gun point." 

"I've been... Punishing... her for not listening. Last time she ran she got the beating of a life time. I'm sure your a little scary to her as well so of course she panicked."  Blaine reached out to try and pull me off of Cam but I wasn't letting him go. It was like he was my life line and if I let go I would die.

"Why dont you guys leave her with me? Most of these girls that come through here have been through multiple times. This is her first time and she's scared."

"All of the girls are scared the first time through."

"I know Blaine but most of theem can hold on to the hope that if someone tries to hurt them they can yell for help and maybe someone will help them. She lost her voice."

"She can stay with you until she calms down and then she needs to go back in her cage. End of story. If she tries to run dont hesitate to shoot her. A leg shot will surely stop her running problems." Cam nodded to the guys and they left. I was safe with him for now.

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