Author's Note (V)

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Hey guys! 

I know it's been a LOOONG time since I posted a new chapter and I sincerely and deeply apologize. 2016 was NOT my year and I was beyond stressed to even think or research for my novel(s). 

Thankfully, this year is looking up and I will be posting regularly, starting the beginning of March along with making edits and changes to my previous chapters along with adding chapters to my other novel. 

I know it's been a really long time and I really really want to make it up to you all. I'm doing the best that I can and hope that you all will give me any insight that you have, especially in terms of making chapters more interesting (I'm extremely old-fashioned in terms of social media so adding music, pictures, and the like is hard for me). 

I will also be on WP more regularly in order to get back in the swing of things. Sorry again for waiting.


C.M. Grey

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