Chapter Two

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                The bright cloudless sky beamed over the towering château, causing the sun to brighten and gleam against the golden fixtures of the estate. Marbles statues of winged foxes decorated the estate’s entrance roof, their lax manner contrasting the rigid atmosphere below. The white limestone tile floor glistened arrogantly flaunting its cleanly state. The walls painted a light buttercream while light indigo outlined the window panels and sculptured panel bursts, the roof a dark rustic blue. The golden doors decorated in embroidered flowers modestly glimmered in the distance. Jolena and Hisako looked at their magnificent home, sighing at its grandeur and architectural beauty before laying eyes on their torturers, bandits who awaited them for their own good-humor. There stood their step-family; Izo Kira, Duke of Oiretam, Lady Beline Kira, and Ames Kira, Marquess and heir of Oiretam.

Izo had the fairest skin. His hair darker than squid ink was tightly worn in a ponytail. Wrinkles were etched near his dark brown eyes and the cover of his mouth. Wearing a pearl colored shirt as the long laced sleeves flowed from his high collared scarlet coat, the gold figured waistcoat was buttoned adding high prominence to the wide loose ankle-length black trousers. Wearing black wooden sandals and thick white cloth covering his feet.

 As Hisako and Jolena approached them, they stiffly bowed low their pride screamed to not bend but their hearts knew otherwise; obey and live, obey and survive. The oldest man approached Hisako, lifting her head with his pale calloused fingers, his dark brown eyes stared at her while her black eyes dared not look up.

“Rise my wife, I want to see your beautiful face.”

Hisako slowly stood yet kept her eyes lowered to the ground as Izo gently touched her white powdered face and grazed his thumb on her vermilion painted lips. Though the gesture was gentle and kind the effect was torturous and painful for Hisako. She did not love her new husband, his touch revolted her yet he caressed her all the same. Because of this and the effect of absolute control, it gratified Izo so much that even he doubted any change in his apathetic nature could even progress into a caring and affectionate manner. Removing his hand from Hisako’s chin he continued to gaze at her. Her obedient and quiet demeanor enhanced her beauty, so much so that she seemed to float as she walked as if a butterfly, ghost in the midst of the living. But all this obedience and humility only fueled his torture towards her. She was much more enjoyable than his first wife. So much more.

“Did you have a pleasant time at the graves?” Izo asked with an evident smirk on his face looking for any signs of discomfort.

“Jolena and I had a most enjoyable time, the magnolia were a beautiful sight to behold,” Hisako commented with a smile as her teeth painted as black as Izo’s hair were shown. “Ceren’s spirit was with us today.”

“I’m glad you had a good time,” Izo said curtly. Holding out his hand, Hisako accepted it and lowered her head dejectedly. “Let us go inside and continue this conversation the sun is too strong for a frail specimen such as yourself.”

As they began to walk towards the entrance doors, Izo and Hisako strolled as Ames soon followed. Sparkling green eyes displayed sadness and grief as his long black hair flowed against his light blue coat and gold figured waistcoat. His peach colored wide trousers flowing in the wind. Beline was the last to leave, giggling in delight at the situation her thick strawberry blonde ringlets bounced against her flowing jade green silk garments as it poured against the ground, a thick train of rich silk fabric. Her flowing sleeves rustled as she tried to contain her mirth. As the doors opened and the four began to pass inside, Jolena continues to remain where she was, still bowing low until the grandeur golden doors closed. She then arose anger burning in her eyes at the humiliation as she began to trek towards the back entry of the estate, under Izo’s new rules, an entrance reserved for hired work.

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