Chapter Five

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              Beline strolled through the busy streets of the marketplace displaying an attitude of apathy and complete disinterest contrasting the excited shoppers around her. Despite the city of Osxareu being the second largest marketplace in the northern lands, in Beline’s opinion the quantity outweighed the quality. Looking at the happy expressions of a group of women surveying ceramic bowls and tea sets. Beline rolled her eyes at their stupid excitement of such cheap novelty. No jewels were regal or big enough for her tastes, no hair ornaments that shined brighter and grander than Hisako’s hair jewelry, not even books from the book tellers displayed an intelligence that could be compared to her own. Nothing seemed to peak her interest at all.

As Claire followed behind her heels carrying trinkets and gifts for her father and brother, Beline continued to survey the marketplace in order to find items of her pleasure. Her time was ticking away and soon she would have to meet her stepmother and mongrel of a stepsister to return home. But until then she would try and find something that she already didn’t own. Beline sighed in frustration as shop after shop contained nothing majestic enough for her room. Giving up on the shopping ordeal, Beline decided to rest at a nearby sweet shop before heading towards the marketplace entrance. After looking at the large menu of items from outside Beline entered the sweet shop and looked around to find it empty. The walls were a light blush pink with pale white rug carpeted floor. Black floor cushions and black low rise tables were displayed in the shop, with small hollow stemmed trees decorating the corners of the establishment. Removing her brown plat formed sandals by the low rise table stationed in the middle of the shop, Beline settled herself on the soft black floor cushion and waited to be serviced as Claire gently settled the parcel of gifts and sat beside Beline. Soon a young waitress wearing a simple blush pink dress and black apron approached their table and bowed.

“How may I assist you my ladies?” the waitress asked.

“Two cup of white peach tea and a platter of steamed sugar peas.” Beline commanded curtly.

“As you wish,” the young waitress replied and returned into the kitchen.

Claire lowered her head to hide her shocked face, Beline was never kind to her. She was mostly demanding, spoiled, and hard to deal with on a pleasant day, not to mention stingy. But then she could have ordered two cups of tea to pour over the sweet peas. She had seen Jolena do such an act and wouldn’t put it past Beline to do something deliberately mean and wasteful. As Claire kept her head lowered and sat as still as a statue, the young waitress arrived with the platter of sweet peas and cups of white peach tea, generously leaving a copper tea kettle filled with tea and placing it over a cool stone plate on the low rise table while leaving as quietly as she arrived.

“Raise your head and eat,” Beline commanded as she began to eat one sugar pea at a time. “I am not as cruel to have you starve within my presence while you serve me.”

Claire nodded despite the many times Beline had done just so numerous times and began to sip her cup of warm white peach tea. She sighed in contentment from the taste of peaches and honey as the warm liquid soothed her throat and relaxed her body. Reaching for a sugar pea, Claire hummed in delight. The sweet pea pods with drizzled with lemon juice as mint leaves were minced and sprinkled on top as two small ceramic bowls filled with honey sat on the platter. The sweetness of the sugar peas complimented the light refreshing taste of the white peach tea.

Beline watched her servant eat the sweet peas in joy, rolling her eyes at the happy sighs she made. Beline didn’t understand what the commotion was about, it was just food. Sustenance that was needed to sustain the stomach so as not to die. Food was food, no matter how savory or disgusting it tasted, it was only necessary to stay alive, why her stupid stepsister thought so highly of it she wouldn’t nor cared to understand. As she began to ignore Claire, she noticed something unusual in the corner of her eye.

Quickly turning around, Beline saw a mirror shop with a glimpse of a strange object hidden in the back of the store. Paying for the meal Beline arose from her floor cushion, slipped her dark brown plat formed sandals on her feet and quickly left the sweets shop briskly walking toward the mirror shop, her rustic orange gown rustling loudly from the fast movement.

As she entered, a huge display of mirrors surrounded her. Small mirrors of simple and intricate designs were displayed on wooden tables, where medium-sized mirrors and large mirrors was were stationed against the brown wooden walls. Each mirror was crafted differently and none contained the same design yet one mirror, partially draped in white cloth trumped them all. Walking slowly toward the mirror, it towered her and all the mirrors in the shop, a few feet short of touching the ceiling. Grabbing the white cloth, Beline pulled it towards her and the cloth tumbled down fully exposing the giant mirror.

The frame was nothing she had ever seen. Grotesque and despairing faces that seemed to be filled with pain and fear were carved masterfully within the thick white marble, the faces so masterfully carved the eyes seemed to move. The mirror’s rectangular glass shined brightly despite the lack of light against its glass is if begging Beline to touch its glass, to caress its thick broad frame. Mesmerized by its strange design, she inched forward to touch the enticing glass until. . .

“May I help you my lady?” the shopkeeper asked bowing low.

“Yes, I would like to purchase this mirror,” Beline said stiffly, too proud to admit she had jumped at the shopkeeper’s voice and quickly placed her hands behind her back.

“I am afraid this mirror has already been purchased my lady.” The shopkeeper replied. “The cloth covering must have fallen.”

“I’ll buy it from you,” Beline commented angry that someone had beaten her to acquiring this strange mirror. “I’ll double the price.”

“I must apologize my lady, but I simply cannot do that.” The shopkeeper said, his face beginning to sweat. “The purchaser of this mirror will arrive in a few days. Maybe you can wait and negotiate a price with him.”

“You dare deny Lady Beline?!” Claire exclaimed appearing behind Beline as she held the many parcels in her hands. “You worthless cur, do you wish to kiss death?!”

“I mean no disrespect, but I can not sell this mirror,” the shopkeeper stammered as he tried to reason. Sweat continued to pour down his face and his body began to shake violently. “Is there no other mirror you wish to purchase?”

“No,” Beline snarled angrily for being denied. She looked at the shopkeeper, her dark brown eyes seemed to darken into a lifeless black as she watched him tremble, sweat, and mumble apologies. “Thank you for your time.”

Beline gracefully walked out the shop with her head held high despite her face red with anger and embarrassment. Claire quietly walked behind her, speaking not a word. As they continued walking, Beline’s rage increased. She was never denied anything. She had always gotten what she wanted and even if she was told ‘NO’ those words were quickly forgotten when money was introduced in the situation.

In that realization, Beline stopped in her tracks. Money was always the answer into getting what she wanted and she decided she would take what she wanted. Turning to Claire, Beline placed a white crystal shard and a gold oval coin in her hand.

“Persuade some men to get that mirror for me and teach that shopkeeper a lesson,” Beline commanded. “Throw the yoée in his face after he understands who he is dealing with and I will reward you greater than what is in your hand.”

Claire nodded furiously and rushed off careful as to not damage the parcels in her arms. This reward will be her greatest yet. One pay was enough to keep a peasant fed for over three years if spent correctly, but a yoée could allow one to live comfortably for fifteen years! If she achieved this task, her prize would be greater than all the meaningless schemes she committed in the past for a few silver pieces of unc.

Watching Claire race off, Beline smirked. She would have her mirror and strike more fear in that pathetic shopkeeper.

As she walked towards the entrance of the marketplace, Beline began to daydream about where that strange and magnificent mirror would be placed in her room.

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