Chapter Seven

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“Ah it seems someone is finally awake,” chuckled a voice as Jolena awoke from her slumber due to the uncomfortable feeling in her arms and legs. “Now the fun can truly begin.”

Jolena’s grogginess transformed into panic as she couldn’t fully move her arms nor feet finding them bound in chains. Still dressed in her light blue chemise and her pendant hiding between her breasts as she began to survey her surroundings, her blood went cold. The ceiling was high and barred with thick iron rods, the only window in this chamber and Jolena’s only to determine time. The walls were stone, appearing black in the dim candlelight that exposed a low table with small flasks and vials on its counter. Chains and cuffs of different sizes and shapes were aligned against the stone wall, some attached to the stone walls while others were not. A tin pail with clear liquid stood near a thick wooden door with a slim wooden rod resting beside it. Her arms were chained with thick cuffs supported by thick iron rods towering her as they hung above her head and her bare feet chained and bound together, her toes barely touching the floor. As she began to struggle in vain to break her bonds, the voice from the shadows chuckled at her vain attempts.

“I knew you were stupid, but are you that idiotic to think that you can escape iron chains,” the voice taunted in the shadows.

“Not as stupid as you try to sound superior Claude,”Jolena hissed. “I thank you for staying out of my sight, your face is quite repulsive as the days pass by.”

“You talk strong for someone who is in chains,” Claude, a longtime servant and lackey of the Kira household spat as he emerged closer towards Jolena. His blonde hair was heavily oiled and styled in a low ponytail as his light brown breeches and tan linen shirt were smudged with grime, his feet dirty within his low black sandals. “You truly are stupid.”

“I’d rather be stupid than a groveling sniveling piece of filth,” Jolena growled as she continued to struggle with her bonds. “That bastard thinks nothing of you but a mindless puppet willing to get his hands dirty for him. You’re the idiot Claude.”

“You will not speak of our lord as such!” Claude shouted as he slapped Jolena. “You will know respect.”

“Just as you will learn respect also Claude,” Izo said coldly as he softly closed the wooden door behind him, dressed in black breeches, knee-high black leather boots and a loose sleeveless dark olive silk shirt. His hair was styled in a tight bun, and his hands were dressed in black leather gloves.

“My . . . my lord,” Claude stammered as he bowed. “I deeply apologize for my impudence, she disrespected you and I overstepped my boundaries. Please forgive me.”

“I will deal with you later,” Izo snarled. “Leave us.” As Claude scampered off, Izo turned toward Jolena. His face was expressionless and cold as he walked towards her and wrapped his fingers around her throat.

“You test me child,” Izo hissed as he tightened his grip around Jolena’s neck. “For your insolence and attempt on my life, I will make you suffer until you beg for death.”

“You have no proof,” Jolena croaked, her throat burning for its need for air.

Izo chortled a dark and humorless laugh as he squeezed Jolena’s neck harder then relinquished his grasp, causing the poor girl to cough and wheeze for air. He walked toward the small table and delicately grabbed an open flask, hiding its contents within his left hand.

“While you were on your little trip, I discovered this in your sleeping quarters,” Izo said as he held the flask in Jolena’s face.

“A gentleman has no business in a lady’s quarters,”Jolena rasped, her throat burning even more from each word she spoke. “You had no right.”

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