Chapter Eight

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Ames knew something was wrong. Duchess Hisako and Lady Jolena had not been seen for a fortnight and he had never seen his father in such gay spirits. His father was always a strict and harsh man and never truly expressed a caring matter nor loved anyone except Beline, his spoiled older sister. Yet here Izo was acting cordial and mannerly. Why?

It was truly queer to witness. Izo was patient with the servants in their duties, no curses or threats were given despite their timely manner in servicing him in his every need, even thanking them whenever they were amidst his presence. Ames saw the panic growing within those poor servants' eyes, completely unfamiliar with sort of behavior and nervously waiting for a severe punishment or tongue-lashing whenever it may be.

As Ames walked towards the dining hall, he tried to ponder what had changed his father's mood. Along with his stepmother and stepsister's absence he began to realize that he had rarely seen his father the past few days. Ever since their absence Ames would usually spot Izo during the late afternoon returning into the estate dressed in knee-length leather boots caked in mud along with stained breeches and a sweat stained silk shirt aboard the fastest bred horses on the premises. Ames would then watch Izo enter into his quarters only to remain until dusk, retreating from his room freshly bathed and dressed in a loose silk robe exposing his chest and leaving to wander the halls of the manor.

Ames didn't question it at first, it wasn't his business to do so. He had kept his head down and remained out of his father's sight aside from the mandatory family meals so as to distance himself from the thick hostility within these walls. As he continued to walk towards the dining hall; his loose ponytail, intertwined with pale pink and blue ribbons swayed back and forth against his pale pink loose silk trousers and pale blue and gold trimmed waist coat. His ivory ruffled lace sleeves flowed as he walked as his platformed pale blue slippers tapped the carpeted rug.

When Ames had joined his family in the dining hall, he tried to still his suspicions. Duchess Hisako and Jolena were still absent and only Izo and Beline were present within the hall minus a few servants waiting to assist and cater. Ames' heart was deeply saddened.

At first he was surprised, fearful, and happy Jolena had taken a stand against his father and began to eat with them instead of eating scraps and garbage in the kitchens. This was her home first and his father had taken it away from her and treated her harshly unfair which Ames hated. He loved watching Lady Jolena devour the food in front of her, moaning in delight at each morsel she inhaled while Duchess Hisako sipped her tea, the corners of her mouth carved in a content smile.

"You are being rude Ames," Izo commented as he continued to read his newsletter. "If you are trying to observe someone, do so in a way unnoticed by them."

"I am sorry sir," Ames said quietly, his head down toward his coffee. "You do not seem your usual self. I did not mean to offend."

"As you should be," Izo harrumphed as he continued to read. "Hurry and finish eating, there is much we must do today."

Ames stayed silent. Izo had never been cordial towards him in all his life. He had always called him 'boy' before, never his actual name. Izo never liked him at all. Even when he was a child, his mother had told him that Izo had never touched him since the day he was borne, yet he carried Beline everywhere he went. Izo belittled him in everything that he did. Whether it be swordsmanship, hunting, academics, or politics yet complimented Beline if she so much as touched a wall. It infuriated Ames but he knew he could nothing about it. His father hated his sight and he was nothing but a coward; too afraid to face him or anyone who suffered from his actions. He couldn't save his mother for killing herself, nor could he save Ceren for how he died within the branches of a peach tree. Now, it seemed he couldn't save his stepmother and stepsister as they treated him like family better than his own.

As Ames sipped his coffee he began to eat. Cutting a thick slice of soft bread, he slathered cherry jam and honey on the bread and began to eat it slowly. Taking small bites, Ames relished in its sweet taste under he had finally began to chew the last piece of his bread. He had not always liked sweets. They were forbidden in Izo's household. Well forbidden for him to eat. Sweets are only to be eaten by women and girls not boys and men. Yet, here Ames was placing thin panned cakes on his plate while drizzling honey, thick apples graze, whipped cream, and thick chocolate syrup on top of it. Surprisingly Izo did not frown when Ames turned his head towards him, causing Ames to be stunned in a frigid state.

Izo never approved of Ames' sweet tooth and he knew this was due to Jolena's influence on him when he was but a boy. Forever they would play until they ran into the kitchens, eating tarts and crunchy cookies before running outside to play again. Instead of belittling and ridiculing him, Izo remained lax and silent. The past four and ten days Izo had accepted his choice of eating, and Ames slowly began to believe it was due to his stepfamily's absence. Whatever the reason for his father's gay manner it was only due to their suffering. Drinking the rest of his sweetened coffee, Ames excused himself from the dining hall.

As he walked in the hallways, Ames decided to head towards the chapel. He could not face his father nor defeat him by the sword, he couldn't even snoop at his wits were not strong.

But he would pray. He would pray to the High God and lower gods to protect Hisako and Jolena and to give him a bit more courage.

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