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Let's put it this way, you were not the typical kind of girl. Apart from the fact that your job consisted in killing the creatures of the night, even for a hunter, you weren't like the rest. 

A mess of a girl, like wine spilled on a white dress. Beautiful but not perfect.

Genuinely intriguing, you radiated confidence in everything you did, even the smallest things. You never picked a fight, in fact,  you always treated people with respect, unless they somehow crossed the line with you and boy, you were not the kind of gal to be messed with. 

Always up for a challenge, you've taken more punches to the face you could possibly begin to count just because people thought you were weak. Sometimes you needed to prove yourself and to be quiet honest, a part of you loved to prove them wrong.

You didn't anger that easily either and you were brutally honest when you needed to be but people respected you. You entered a room and all eyes were on you. Men loved to see your hips swing in your favorite pair of black ripped skinny jeans and women were quickly invaded with jealousy. The best part of it all was that you didn't even forced it. 

This was who you were naturally.

After one hell of a hunt that left you laying in a hospital bed for more days you'd like to admit, you were back on the game and damn you missed it all. Taking a vampire nest all by yourself, the crappy motel room with low water pressure, even the bruises and scratches. You loved being a hunter and you were damn good at it. 

The best part of it all was that you were near home so that's where you headed next. Make up, cute outfit and you headed to Harvelle's Roadhouse for a much deserved drink.

You got out of your black Mustang GT right after retouching your lipstick in the mirror.

- "There's only one car that sounds like that and boy, I'm glad to hear it again" Ellen said to Jo as she stopped pouring some guy's drink and a smile spreaded wide in her face.

- "Shit" Jo mumbled to herself but loud enough for her mother to hear her.

- "Hey, be nice" she ordered to her daughter who rolled her eyes and was already annoyed by the idea of having you around. 

Entering the place, you recognized a few faces here and there and waved a little until you met your eyes with the beautiful woman who had taken you in and raised you like you were her own right after your father died on a hunt when you were 14.

You noticed Jo jogging to a table but didn't care to stop for her, you attention was on Ellen and that smile you had missed so much. As you approached, you opened your arms to embrace her hug. 

- "Damn, it's good to see you again" you said sincerely to her ear.

- "Tell me about it, you've had me all worried for months" she exclaimed. You sat in one of the seats by the bar as she poured your favorite, Jack Daniels on the rocks.

- "Yeah, I couldn't wait to get out of that hospital" Jo came back to the bar. "Hello Joanna" you waved at her nicely but trying to completely annoy her just for fun; although you knew your mere presence did all the work anyway. She smiled fakely. 

- "I'm taking a break to sit with Sam and Dean" she indicated to her mother taking off her apron.

- "You're working until we are closing then".

- "Fine" she said in a gruffed tone. You shared a few looks with Ellen then shook your head.

- "Am I ever going to like her?".

- "I don't think so, no" she joked winking at you. 

Of course, there was a reason why Jo wanted to sit with the Winchester brothers. 

You see... she had a tiny crush on the oldest brother, to say the least. You knew a thing or two about it but since you were never properly introduced, you never intrude about it either. As a matter of fact, the main reason you never met them before was her. She had managed to keep you away from the boys ever since they started going to the bar more often. You'd always call to let Ellen know you were going and so did the boys so she arranged little sneak outs with them while you stayed in the bar and viceversa. But this time you didn't call. 

The thing was, she knew once Dean laid his eyes on you, there was no way anyone could take them off of you.

- "What's up with her anyway?" you took a sip of your drink. 

- "Dean Winchester is in town" Ellen rolled her eyes. 

- "John's boy?" you asked surprised. You remember meeting him a few years back when you moved in with the Harvelle family and he came by every now and then. 

- "Yeah. I already warned him I don't want neither of them near her in that way and of course Dean obeyed, they are really just friends but still, she just doesn't seem to let it go" her tone was a little more concerned.

- "It's because she hasn't left this place in years". 

If looks could kill, you'd be dead by now.

"Come on, love it or hate it, you know it's true. The kid hasn't seen the world, of course she's going to have some teenage crush with the cutest hunter she can find around here" you added.

- "What do you want me to do? I don't want her hunting around. Look what almost happened to you and you are one of the best out there" you smiled at her remark.

- "Maybe propose her to try college? Some normal life for a change?".

- "Honey, I've tried but she's impossible. You know her".

- "Yeah well, she does have your temper" you teased making her crack.

Dean waved at Jo as she sat giving a few drinks to the boys who were laughing and talking in that own little world of theirs.

- "Busy night?" Sam asked taking a sip of his beer.

- "Yeah, I guess" she kept looking around checking if you were near them. "Don't you guys wanna get out of here or something?" she sounded a bit nervous and the brothers noticed.

- "Nah, I'm good. Besides today is the day" Dean smirked.

- "What happens today?" she asked with a smile that could lit the whole sky, she thought it might involve her.

- "Don't ask" Sam mumbled recieving a complete bitch-face from his brother.

- "Today is the day... I, Dean Winchester, get laid" he winked. "It's been 6 long months now but tonight, I'm not leaving solo" he stated as he started looking around to see if he could find a damisel in distress to take her back to the his motel room. She stepped right in front of him, blocking his view. "Are you okay?" he asked lifting his eyebrow "you are acting way too weird".

- "I-I feel great. What about you Dean? Why don't you tell me about your last hunt?". 

Sam narrowed his eyes in confussion. Her behaviour was awfully awkward to watch.

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