"Hurry, they say the second time around takes less time." She gritted her teeth.

Without another word, I sped up. Without driving too recklessly, we made it. She got herself checked in, she knew what to do, I was just there to carry the bags and help her walk.

I helped her into her hospital gown, which did look extremely uncomfortable with the back being just a flap that could fly open with a slight breeze. After that her IV was placed and she was strapped to a monitor to check on the baby and her contractions. I asked if there was anything I could do for her.

"Yeah, don't take anything I say seriously." She simply said, looking me dead in the eye.

"Come again?" I asked, stunned.

"I'm about to have a human being come out of me, I'm going to be in so much pain. I might say some mean things, just don't take it personally. I love you, but I can be a terrible person in this state." She explained.

"Right." I giggled. "I meant can I do anything to make you more comfortable?"

"Just be here."

She had nobody, no real family. No mother to coach her, no father to comfort her. But this time she did have me, the father of her baby. I would not leave her side.

"Whatever I can do." I kissed her forehead and held her hands when another contraction hit. They were getting more intense.

Over the next few hours, nurses came to check how she was feeling and to see how much progress she had made. Before she could push, she had to be dilated to ten centimeters so that the baby could make his way out.

Four hours after arriving, she was dilated to five centimeters and was miserable. She had asked for pain medication in her IV, but it didn't look like it was enough. She was sweating slightly, and her face went red with each contraction, but she gritted her teeth through them.

"Do you want an epidural?" The nurse asked.

"No. I can do this, I'm fine." Emma proclaimed.

"Give us a moment, please." I requested. The nurse nodded and left the room.

"Emma, you don't have to do it like this. If you want pain relief, just ask." I brushed her hair out of her face, almost crying for her.

"I did it with Henry." She pointed out.

"It won't make you any less of a mother, it may even help you get through this." I said. Emma tended to be frustrated by pain, I didn't want her to feel that way when she gave birth.

Then another contraction hit, she closed her eyes and groaned, throwing her head back slightly.

"It is completely your choice, but I hate to see you like this. If you decide you want to take it, I'll tell the nurse right away." I assured her as I held her hand.

Over three more contractions, she tried new methods of coping. She walked around the room, she squeezed a pillow, she hunched over the side of her bed while I rubbed her back. Finally, the fourth hit and she grabbed my collar.

"Get the damn needle." She told me. I stayed with her until the pain subsided, then rushed for the nurse, who said she would call for the anesthesiologist.

She was a totally different person when the medication took effect. She was finally able to sleep after eight hours of labor. As she slumbered, I watched the monitor, the line went up and down as her contractions hit, and she didn't feel a thing. I felt so much relief. I was about to lose my mind at seeing her in so much pain when I couldn't do anything to stop it.

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