Kyung scoffed.

"Are you serious? I'm not cooking for you. You can starve for all I care." He shot back. The comeback would have been a lot more effective had his stomach not growled right after. Jiho laughed as the other flushed.

"I don't think I'm the only hungry one here."

Shit. Kyung had totally forgotten that he too hadn't eaten anything since breakfast other than some snacks Yukwon and Jihoon had offered him.

"Fuck." He mumbled, looking away.

"So you'll cook?" Jiho asked and Kyung sighed.



Kyung continued to grumble under his breath, fuming at the bubbling pot of hot water. How dare that idiot make him cook for him. Well technically he wasn't being forced to, but still.

"Do you always have to look so bitter?"

Kyung groaned, slamming his hand on the counter as he turned to glare at the other. The insult he'd come up with in head however, failed to escape his lips as his eyes landed on the taller.

He was aware that the other had gone to take a shower, but for fucks sake he could have at least put on a shirt.

Kyung's face flushed an astounding shade of red as his gaze landed on the bare skin of Jiho's torso. Well someone definitely worked out.

"Like what you see?" Jiho's teasing tone snapped his attention back and Kyung looked away, pulling his attention away from the dripping black strands of the other boy's hair. Jiho chuckled, running a towel through his hair.

"Go put on a fucking shirt." Kyung hissed. Jiho shrugged.

"Why? You seem to like me a lot better without it."

Kyung glared down at the pot, emptying the packets of noodles into the boiling water.

"You wish." He mumbled.

"Watcha making?" Jiho suddenly asked.

"Noodles." Kyung simply answered, emptying the different spices into the pot. Jiho chuckled.

"Simple, but looks good."

Kyung froze as Jiho was suddenly really close, looming over him from behind as he tilted down his head to whisper.

"Smells good too."

Kyung flushed.

"Ever heard of personal space?" He hissed, trying in vain to push Jiho away, but failing due to the awkward angle. He was practically encaged by the other boy's figure and the counter.

"Nope, never heard of it." Jiho answered, leaning his head on the shorter's shoulder.

"Fuck off Jiho." He mumbled and Jiho chuckled, the low sound sending a chill down Kyung's spine. He shivered, feeling the soft gush of the other's breath against his skin. He turned his head to send the most evil glare he could muster the others way, only to find the other smiling up at him. Kyung quirked a suspicious eyebrow at the smile, but before he could realise what was happening, it was too late.  Kyung swirved his head around to the loud click of a camera, another click resonating through the small room once his attention was fully on Jiho's phone.

Just as he realised what had happened, Jiho pulled back, a satisfied grin on his face.

"YA!" Kyung exclaimed, attempting to yank the other's phone out of his hand.

"Delete it right now!" He hissed, but Jiho only swerved away.

"Why? You look cute." He countered. Kyung narrowed his eyes.

"Delete it."

Jiho rose a brow, fumbling with something on his phone.

"What if I post it?"

Kyungs eyes widened.

"You wouldn't."

Jiho smirked and Kyung lunged at him.

"Give it!" He yelled and the other laughed, putting his hand out of Kyung's reach.

"How bout you ask nicely?"

Kyung huffed, taking in a deep breath before gritting his teeth.

"Please delete it." He forcefully said. Jiho chuckled.

"See? That wasn't that hard." He joked, bringing his arms down. He froze however, when something on his phone caught his attention.


Kyung's eyes widened.

"What? Why did you say 'shit'? What does 'shit' mean?" He ranted, rushing over to stand by the taller boy. Jiho cringed at the action and Kyung immediately knew why. A gasp left his lips when his eyes landed on the other boy's screen.

On the screen was the taken selfie of Jiho practically back hugging him without a shirt on, while he made noodles. But that wasn't what sucked the most, it was the fact that the selfie was on fucking instagram. The idiot had posted it.

"You posted it?" Kyung's voice came out as a whisper, voice quivering.

"Shit. I'm so sorry, it was an accident. Must have happened when you tried to get the phone." Jiho exclaimed.

"I'll take it down." He added, but both of them knew that there was no point, the comments section was already flooding with people who obviously had nothing better to do. Kyung couldn't help reading through them.

Han_ee: Called it. You guys are totally dating.

Joonie4life: Shipped it from the start.

I'mnothigh..: No one's gonna ask why Jiho's not wearing a shirt?

Jimidig: @I'mnothigh.. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Kyung looked away.

"Great. Just great." He hissed and Jiho smiled apologetically.

"I took it down." He said after a moment.

"Ya like that changes anything. If anyone had any doubt that we were dating, it's gone now." Kyung seethed.

"Go eat the damn noodles yourself." He added, storming out the kitchen.

He was too busy fuming as he stomped away, to notice the satisfied smirk on Jiho's lips.


Jiho you asshole. He totally didn't take it down. lol

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