Chapter 12: Afterwards

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Bruce swiftly made his way over to the Batmobile with Damian in his arms. Clark and Jon had finished dealing with the others, as Superman and Superboy, and had called the local police department to take them away. Bruce, as Batman, also called Commissioner Gordon and a team to take the Joker back to Arkham.

They all met back up with each other near the Batmobile where Bruce instantly placed Damian in a comfortable position in the vehicle.

"What happened?" Clark asked as soon as Bruce got his head out of the Batmobile. Bruce responded a glare which showed a 'seriously! Right now!' look mixed with panic and worry (again, very rare!).

"Okay!" Clark then said, obviously noticing the look he received.

Soon after, they all made their own way back to the Bat Cave. It was a long ride. Longer then previously. Silence overtook everywhere. Not even Clark and Jon said a word to each other.

(Back at the Bat Cave)

"Alfred!" Bruce called out, hoping that the butler would be in the Cave. As far as he was aware, him and Damian were the only ones in the Cave at the moment as Clark and Jon had yet to arrive.

"Master Bruce?" A voice eventually questioned. Bruce looked up to see Alfred walking down the stairs. "My word!" He said shocked at the site of the young boy on the medical table. "What happened?" he finally managed to say.

"Ill tell you after I find out that he is going to be alright" Bruce replied. Alfred got straight to work (since he is the best person ever and can do absolutely anything!), he could see that Bruce was worried about his son so he didn't even question it.

Ten minutes later Clark and Jon had officially arrived and stood in the corner and thought about everything that had happened and how it had happened since they didn't want to disturb.

After quite a while Alfred had fixed Damian up but he still, currently, was awake.

"How bad is he?" Bruce asked, hoping for the best response.

"He's fine. He has a few broken ribs, so I wouldn't expect to see him go on patrol for quite a while. He also has some cuts and new scars on his chest and bak but they aren't a major problem, and as you can see he has a broken arm and fractured ankle" Alfred explained everything so that everyone was up to date before they all started hearing groans escape from the 13-year-olds lips as his eyes began to flutter open.

"Damian? How are you feeling?" Bruce didn't. hesitate to ask.

"Good" Damian replied as he attempted to sit up but couldn't as his head started pounding.

"Master Damian, I suggest you should drink this glass of water" Alfred said as he handed it to him and Damian gladly took ahold of it.

He hadn't had anything to drink in a while and downed the glass relatively quickly.

"Damian, can you remember what happened?" Bruce asked, fearing that Joker may have done something to his memory.

Damian nodded his head slowly.

"Can you tell us?" Bruce finally asked, sitting down.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I completed forgot about Wattpad for some unknown reason.

I won't be able to update much this week but I'm going to write bits and pieces each day so that I have something to post on Friday/Saturday/Sunday.

Please feel free to say which characters you would like me to include. Would you like more members of the Batfam? or anyone else?

Who we are... (Damian Wayne and Jon Kent FanFic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ