Chapter 1: Beginning

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Bruce's POV

"Clark, I can find any leads. Where are you now?" I was speaking to Clark through an earpiece trying to help him find his son, Jon.

"I'm flying past all of places he loves to go to. Bruce? I'm worried." He states through the ear piece. I could tell he was worried, I been helping him since I got back from patrol, which was roughly two hours ago.

"I know how you feel. The same has happened with Damian. Except him and Jon are different, extremely"

"How?" Clark asks in reply.

"Well, Damian would usually leave for a few hours to think things over without me know and I highly doubt Jon would be the same, I would have thought he would at least tell you where he's going" I explain in the simplest way I could think of.

"What are you implying?" He asks making me groan.

"I think someone took him..." I say without anything being said afterwards. "Clark..."


"We will find him, no matter how long it takes" I assure him making him sigh relief.

"Thank you Bruce, but I think we need more help" he replies making me think of extra recruits.

"We can't call the rest of the league, they're on a mission"

"Why would you need the league?" A voice said behind me.

"I think Damian just walked in" I said quieter making sure he didn't hear.

"I'm coming to your location" Clark said before I spun my chair around to face my own son.

"So?" He asks at the exact same time Superman entered.

"So what?" I reply in question, to be honest I just didn't want to explain to him, Clark should.

"What happened? How many times am I going to have to ask?"

"It's my son..." Clark said straight away making both of us look in his direction. "I don't know where he is... Bruce thinks he was taken" he slightly explains looking down as he finishes.

"I can help..." Damian says after a few minutes of silence making Clark look up with hope.

"Really?" His voice sounded really happy.

With that Clark picked Damian up and began hugging him out of gratitude.

"Don't touch me! Put me down!" I could hear my son say through gritted teeth.

Clark instantly placed his feet back on the floor and walked in my direction.

"He's just like you" he says stating the obvious.

Damian's POV

To be honest I wasn't going to help since I thought it was about someone else but when I found out it was Jon I wanted to help. I wasn't going to say this to anyone but I actually liked Jonathan, and I actually get along with him. I don't want to kill him, which is the feeling I have with most people when we meet.

"I found something" I heard father day rather dryly.

"He's in Egypt?" Clark questioned.

"Apparently so..." Father replied.

"I'll meet you there!" Clark exclaimed before he flew off.

"Damian, stay here and contact me if you find anything out" father stated before jumping into the Batplane.

I was going to argue the case but before I could say anything he was already gone. I sat down at the computers and waited for any kind of change.

After a short while I decided to head to the streets of Gotham for a bit of fresh air, which there wasn't much of.

I know I was told to stay in the Bat Cave and feed any new information to father but nothing was happening and I'm sure nothing is going to happen.

As I rounded a corner I stopped as I could hear footsteps behind me. I carried on walking for a bit to see if it was my imagination but I could still hear footsteps. I turned around to see nobody there, but when I turned back to walking I felt a sharp needle go into my arm causing my vision to blur.

First chapter!
Before I can update I would like you guys to choose a villain that is seen in both Batman and Superman.

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