Chapter 8: Escape Plan...

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When I use three dots (...) it will indicate a change in the perspective.

Darkness surrounded them. There was nothing but silence until small movements could be heard. The two boys in the corner were beginning to wake from their daze. The first one to realise what happened was Damian. Whereas, Jon had no idea until he heard the rustling of chains.

Soon enough they both noticed that each other were awake.

"Robin?" Jon asked through whispering.

"What?" Damian replied. He was too busy trying to unlock the chains behind to be listening to someone who would ask a bunch of questions.

"Where are we?" His voice was really quiet. It was obvious he was scared.

"I don't know! I can't see anything!" Damian's voice was sounding aggressive. He needed to concentrate, and he couldn't do that if someone was distracting him.

"I got it!" He suddenly exclaimed.

"Got what?"

"I unlocked these chains" Damian said as he slid closer to Jon so he could do the same to his.


Clark, nor Bruce left the Watchtower the night previous. They tried all possible connections but none of them led the two of them anywhere.

The rest of the league also helped, in their own way. They scoped everywhere, but found nothing, not even a hair.

At this precise moment the whole league were in the same room, discussing.

"I need some air" Bruce stated before leaving to another room.

The rest of the league looked at each other, confused. Bruce was Batman! He was the smartest and darkest person in the whole Justice League and probably the world, but right now, he was showing signs of weakness.

"I'll go talk to him" Diana said as she followed in the same direction as Bruce did.

"Bruce" Diana said calmly but was too late when he left through the zeta tubes.

She sighed and made her way back to where the rest of the league were. "He left" she stated.

Everyone turned to face her with a look of worry shining off each and every one of them.

"Where did he go?" Barry asked.

"I don't know, but I'm assuming back to the Bat cave"


Damian finally managed to pick the locks to Jon's chains and soon started to search around the room for a way to escape or anything that could help them do so.

Jon, on the other hand, stood in one place, staring at the space surrounding him.

Damian soon found a way out. The air went in the ceiling.

"Are your powers working?" Damian asked, looking in Jons direction.

Jon attempted to use them. "Not fully" he replied.

"Have you got enough flight to get the two of use up there?" He asked, pointing to the air vent that was directly above him.

Jon smiled straight away at the thought of actually being able to help in this way and got to work on what he had to do.


Bruce arrived at the Bat Cave and headed towards the Bat computer with no time at all.

"Did you find Master Damian?" A voice said from behind. Alfred.

"No..." Bruce replied plainly. He spun around in his chair to look in the direction where Alfred stood.

Alfred could see that Bruce wasn't being himself. "He'll be alright Master Bruce" he said in a comforting way.

"I know, but..." He stopped. He didn't want to open up. He hasn't all his life, so he's not going to start now.

Alfred knew he wouldn't be able to get Bruce to open up about this but he knew he had to try.


Jon managed to get both him and Damian to the air vent.

Damian led the way. He didn't know where they were going but if Jon was in front of him he wouldn't follow.

They were crawling through the vents for a couple of hours before they found the best place to exit.

They ended up to be standing on top of the building they were in but as they were about to climb down the wall they heard the one and only laugh of the Joker.

Damian approached him in an attempt to whack the smile off his face but before he could do so one of Jokers 'friends' knocked Damian out first.

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