Ch.24 Hope

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The beating of the drums filled the woods as the Indians hummed out their incantations as they circled around the fire.

Kaywinnet bit her lips nervously as she glanced down to Tiger Lily who only smiled and nodded, assuring her that everything was going to be alright.

The Chief gave her a bowl that had some sort of dark liquid in it that Kaywinnet wasn't too sure as to what was in it. Without hesitation, Kaywinnet brought the liquid to her lips and started to drink it in hurriedly as to not taste to see if it was foul or not. Kaywinnet brought the bowl down to her lap as she let out a gasp as she took in a couple of breaths as the drums around her beat loudly in a faster beat.

Suddenly, Kaywinnet's faced launched up as the markings on her skin went from black ink to a yellow glow as the power seeped into her. The Indians started shouting and whooping as they watched as the woman who saved their princess was being blessed by their gods, bestowing her with magic that has been provided from the nature around them.

The tribe became dead quiet as the yellow glow suddenly faded as Kaywinnet's body collapsed to the ground as even the black markings disappeared from her body.

The young woman slowly rose up to stand and reach out her arm as an eagle screeched from the distance and flew down to her arm as a symbol of power.

A ringing bell and then a door slam came from behind Mr. Gold as a smile slowly formed on his lips. He turned around and wasn't surprised to see Kaylee and Suri standing at the entrance of his shop so late at night.

"Why, Kaylee, isn't this a pleasant surprise" Mr. Gold looked down to the wolf standing next to her, "I see you've found your friend"

Kaylee walked up to the counter with the wolf close behind, "Something's going on and I think you know what it is. Everything is coming back as the way it was, isn't it? Our powers are coming back even before the Curse is breaking"

"That soon?" Mr. Gold scoffed, "Well, I thought it would give Emma at least another month before she finally started to believe"

"What are you talking about? I thought our powers were supposed to come back after Emma broke the Curse" Kaylee then squinted her eyes at Mr. Gold, "You don't have your abilities, do you? But you're stronger than I am"

"Be careful... if the rumors are true, he was the one who made the Curse and could want to use you as a pawn" Suri said.

Blood trickled down Kaylee's nose, catching her by surprise as she embarrassingly cupped the bottom half of her face. Mr. Gold took out a handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to the woman who she gratefully accepted.

"No, my powers have not yet returned to me"

"But why?" Kaylee asked, "What makes me so special?"

"Because your powers aren't made of what the Curse is made out of"

"Dark magic"

"Yes, exactly. Actually, the tribe that you were blessed from connect their powers mostly to the source of hope" Mr. Gold explained, "This town reeked of fear until Emma came along. Considering how she's the Savior, everyone has been feeling the veil lifting ever since she arrived which caused you to get in touch with your powers"

"You knew this was going to happen, even before we came to Storybrooke" Kaylee realized.

Mr. Gold only smirked, "There's a lot of things you tend to know when you are the Dark One"

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