Ch.14 Telling the Truth

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Kaylee watched as Graham took another shot of whiskey, he slammed down his shot glass and glanced up at Suri. The wolf let out a little yelp, almost like as if she wanted to communicate to her family member. Graham sighed as he rubbed his hand over his rugged beard, trying to process what Kaylee had just said. Kaylee sat uncomfortably in the corner of her couch, just waiting for Graham to give some sort of reaction besides drinking. It felt so quiet inside the apartment that she could've sworn that she could her the clock tower ticking away.

"Please say something" Kaylee finally gave up, "I didn't wake up finding out who I was just to see you drown yourself in whiskey. I know the last acts of the Curse is still on you but you have to know that what I'm saying is the truth. You saw Henry's book, you went looking for your heart, and now Suri is back with us. You know that my real name is actually Kaywinnet and you are Humbert. So why are you acting like this? Didn't you want this to happen? You told Suri to find us and now all you're doing is just getting drunk"

Graham finally turned to her and let out a slow sigh, "How long did you have your memories back?"

Kaylee stopped and then looked over to Suri, wishing that she could talk to the beast again, "About four days ago, Graham, I don't see how this is relevant"

"Why didn't you tell me then?"

"Because you would've thought I was a crazy person"

"But I liked you back then, I would've listened to you. At least, I would've heard you out for a bit" Graham told her.

"Because I wanted to observe you" Kaylee let out, "I wanted to know when Humbert was back, Graham. I am the only one in this town who knows the difference between the two. I know that Graham would do anything and everything for the Mayor first. But I also know that Humbert would go searching for the one thing he wants the most"

"You make it sound like I don't care about you" Graham shook his head, "I only had one dream about the past but I know that what I felt for you was so intense, Kaylee"

"You still chose your heart over me" Kaylee felt tears forming in her eyes.

"You don't know what it's like to have your heart ripped out when you are in love with someone" Graham told her.

"I was going to find another way to get your heart back, Graham" Kaylee said in a shaky voice.

"By making a deal with Rumpelstiltskin! Something that you should've never thought about in the first place" Graham yelled out, "I don't have my memories back yet but I know of the fairy-tale, Kaylee. You're never supposed to make deals with a man like that"

"You have only one memory, but I have plenty" Kaylee argued, "The Queen wanted you for her own. She may have hated Snow White with all of her being but she envied us. She's seen how strong our love was and wanted it for her own. No doubt she probably threatened you to keep you at the palace. I was the only Magically Gifted person left in the Enchanted Forest that she didn't kill. I didn't want to leave you with that sick woman, Graham"

"If the roles were reversed, wouldn't you have done the same for me?"

"That's different, Graham" Kaylee huffed, "You didn't hear Suri howl at the moon every night. I cried to sleep just thinking about you! Now is our chance to leave this all behind, don't go up against her. I don't even have my abilities in this land so I won't be able to help you"

"She's got somewhere in her vault, the one thing that can kill me in an instant" Graham got up and walked over to the door, "I'm gonna call this a night"

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