Ch.17 Protection

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Humbert looked over to the woman who was just a few paces ahead of him. The brunette looked up to the sky and glanced from left to right as she carried on a conversation with an animal that he couldn't see. Every now and then, Kaywinnet would stop and then turn slightly down another path. Humbert couldn't do anything but follow her as Suri trailed on behind him.

Humbert glanced up at the cloudy grey skies, "It's going to rain again. We should set up camp soon"

"In a moment" Kaywinnet called behind her, "The bluejay says that there won't be rainfall until later tonight"

Kaywinnet stopped suddenly, reached out her hand and touched Humbert's as a female voice flew into his head, "There's a place nearby that travellers don't go"

"Would it be safe for us to camp there?" Kaywinnet asked, "The Evil Queen is searching for me. We need a place where she won't be able to find us"

"You will be safe inside that Fairy Ring that is just up ahead" the female voice said as a bluejay swooped down and headed north.

"Thank you" Kaywinnet responded, "You are very kind"

"Kaywinnet..." Humbert let out before Kaywinnet turned around and smiled as she gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

"Please know that your guidance will not be in vain" Kaywinnet told the bluejay.

Kaywinnet smiled as pride filled her heart as the fire that she had worked on grew into a steady flame. She sat back on her heels and reached out her hand to warm them just as she heard rustling to the west of her. She looked over just as Humbert came over with a young deer draped around his shoulder. She tensed up at the sight of the poor creature and turned back to the crackling fire as Humbert set it down onto the ground. Kaywinnet stole a glance over to him just in time to see a tear fall down his cheek, making her feel somewhat of an equal with him. Kaywinnet turned back around as she got up and grabbed onto one of the packs.

Humbert looked up and said, "That's mine"

Kaywinnet looked over to him, "I know"

"What are you doing with it, then?"

"I'm going to set up your bed since you will be too busy preparing our dinner" Kaywinnet smiled, "I'm not going to rob you"

Suri came into the clearing and then started to stare up at Kaywinnet. Kaywinnet turned and walked over to Humbert as she gently touched his neck, sending shivers down his spine at the feeling of her touch.

Humbert glanced over to Suri, "Can she hear me?"

"She can't communicate with your kind" Suri told her brother, "You need to let her in"

"You remember the last time I had let a human into my life?" Humbert countered.

"You never tried" Suri reminded him.

"What if she's the same as them?" Humbert asked, referring to his parents.

Kaywinnet turned around to the wolf and the Huntsman, "I'm going to move your bed closer to mine"

"Why? It's not going to get that cold tonight" Humbert looked up at the darkened clouds, "I can sleep in the rain, Kaywinnet. It doesn't bother me"

Kaywinnet looked unconvinced, "But it does bother me"

"Why?" Humbert had to ask.

"Because letting you sleep out in the cold is the most inhumane thing to do" Kaywinnet then gathered up as much of his blankets as she could, "You'll thank me later"

Graham woke up to a small light beaming down onto his eyelid, he flinched and then noticed that it was from burgundy blinds, not like his at his home. He picked up his phone and noticed there were three missed calls from Regina already, making his stomach turn as he wanted to puke. Beside him, he heard stirring and movement as he turned to see that Kaylee was barely starting to wake up.

"Good morning" Graham said as he put his phone away.

Kaylee stretched as she let out a high moan before she looked up at Graham smiling down to her. She smiled up at him as she curled her blankets even closer to her body.

"This is a dream"

Graham grazed her cheek, "Not anymore"

Kaylee propped up onto her elbow as she heard a phone buzz on Graham's side of the room, "I think I'm not the only one who misses you"

"It's probably nothing, Emma most likely locked herself out of the office. What do you want to do today?"

"Don't you have work? Shouldn't you go and check up on her?" Kaylee cocked her head to the side, "You know how impatient she gets"

"I'm with my family now" Graham said as he stared deeply into her eyes.

Kaylee sat up and looked around for Suri, "It won't be long until Regina finds out about your memories. Whether by you slipping up or she being able to see Suri. I don't want to risk losing all of this again. We don't even know if she has her powers in place, yet"

Graham stiffened up, "I'm tired of acting her whole play out"

"We will get your heart back once we know where it is"

"This isn't about my heart!" Graham yelled out with too much force before he clasped Kaylee's hands within his, "You don't think that I didn't miss you too? I worried every second I was in that castle, thinking that Regina could kill you without me ever knowing it"

"Same as I did. You don't know how many times Suri and I wanted to go back for you"

"You did eventually"

"And look where that nearly got us. I was so stupid in thinking that I could take her on"

"It's something I would've done if she had taken your heart"

"She took so much more than just you away from me" Kaylee looked into his green eyes, "Promise me that you will remain low for a while. We are most likely the only two people who have awoken from our sleep"

"You don't know what you're asking of me" Graham said to her.

"Why are you so stubborn?" Kaylee let out a sigh, "Can you do as I say for just once?"

"Fine" Graham rolled his eyes, "I promise"

"Good!" Kaylee smiled before she gave him a small peck on his lips.

She moved her legs over to the side of her bed as she made her way over to the bathroom as she got ready for her work. Graham let out a slow sigh as he turned around to the sound of his phone ringing once again and finding Regina displayed out on his screen. He turned and looked back to the closed-door from where Kaylee had disappeared to as he almost felt like his heart was being ripped out of him once again. Then, without even making a second thought for himself, he answered the phone call.

In Another Life ( OUAT Huntsman Love)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora