Ch.4 Seasons Change

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The Huntsman picked up the last meat off of his small plate and placed it inside his mouth as he chewed loudly, completely satisfied with his meal and thankful for the fox. He peeked out up into the sky to see that it was still overcast with the threat of yet another rainfall to happen at any moment.

Suddenly, the she-wolf got up from her resting place as she let out a low and menacing growl.

"What is it?"

Just as Humbert got up as he held his bow in hand, he heard a distant scream off over just west of him.

His wolf took off into a running speed, leaving him alone at the camp, "Wait!"

Kaywinnet grabbed a hold of her dagger and flung it over to the King's Men as they advanced upon her. She meant for it to be thrown into one of their necks but instead, it found its place bouncing off his chest plate.

"How cute" One of them smiled at her, "Let's get this done"

Kaywinnet glanced around before she spotted her sword near her bedside. She tried to advance towards it but felt a burning stab in her leg, making her scream out in pain. A King's Men gripped onto her throat as he picked up her sword that was just inches away from her. Between struggling to find air and the arrow pertruding out of her leg, Kaywinnet couldn't decide which fate was worse than the one she was about to be succumbed to. The man took steps closer and closer to the edge of the cliff where a waterfall was just down below.

"Look at her" the man turned to his other knights, "It's a shame we have to kill her. She's too beautiful for death. But, we all know what the Queen wants now don't we? To be rid of people who have magic"

"I don't have dark magic" Kaywinnet choked out, "My magic is very different. Please... I mean no harm"

"That's what they all say" The Knight yelled out.

Kaywinnet dropped down and tripped the man by his ankles. Her balance was off and she was too close to the edge, making her fall over and down the cliff. She let out a gasp and grabbed onto a hanging root from a tree. Kaywinnet tried to climb back up onto the edge but the side was already thick and slippery with mud. She looked up as she heard a growl and a few men groaning as steel clashed with steel.

The root slowly gave out, making Kaywinnet slip further and further down to her doom. She looked down at she noticed that even if she survived the fall, she would most surely be paralyzed from the waist down. Kaywinnet heard a snap as she felt her body fall back, she let out a bloodcurdling scream before she felt a strong hand grabbed on tightly to her arm.

Kaywinnet looked up to see Humbert was the one who had caught her, "It's alright! I've got you!"

She didn't know whether it was because it was from being shot by an arrow or that she had realized that she was given another chance to live another day but her vision began to fade away. Humbert kept on yelling at her, encouraging her to open her eyes and talk to him as he struggled to pull her over and back onto land. The last thing she remembered was feeling her back against the cool, damp dirt as Humbert and his wolf stared down at her before everything faded away into darkness.

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