Ch.18 Passion

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After school, Henry ran into the grocery store, hoping to quickly buy some candy before he headed over to his mom's office. He went inside and waved at the storekeeper, as he once again sneezed as the door opened. That character was too easy to figure out for himself as he went down one aisle and started to gaze up at the countless options that he could get. His real mom, Emma, had given him some money from her wallet this morning, encouraging him to go and pick out any kind of sweets he could find or spend with just the $20 bill in his pocket. He heard something move on the other side of the aisle, tearing his gaze away from the candy as he slowly made his way around to the other side. He noticed that it was Kaylee who was having difficulty in shoving a huge bag of dog food into her cart. She let out a heavy sigh as she now turned and started to contemplate on the toys.

"Whatcha doin?" Henry asked in a light voice as he walked over to the kind veterinarian, "I thought that the shelter gets their own set of dog food dropped off"

Kaylee blinked and looked over to Henry as she smiled down to him, "They do but you can't be too prepared"

"It sounds like you're keeping a secret" Henry said slowly, mocking the older woman.

Kaylee rolled her eyes, "You are definitely Emma's son"

"I knew it!" Henry beamed, "So what is it? Why are you buying so much dog food?"

"I just recently adopted a dog" Kaylee responded, "Sort of"

"That's so cool" Henry asked, "What is it?"

Kaylee turned back down to the boy and then said in a small voice, "I think you know what kind of dog I'm talking about"

"Can I meet her?" Henry whispered with an excited smile.

Kaylee smiled back to the kid as she went over to push her cart, "In a little bit, first I need to teach her to stop drinking out of the toilet"

"Why can't you just talk to her?" Henry glanced behind him as he walked with the older woman, "You know, like how you used to? Wasn't that one of your gifts?"

"My memories have awoken" Kaylee sighed, "But my powers haven't"

"Don't worry" Henry quickly went back to the candy aisle, "Leave that to me!"

The downpour of the rain outside made even the owl's howl hard to hear as the three of them were cooped up inside the small tent. Kaywinnet could hear the slow breathing of Suri just at the foot of the bed. She started to get comfortable until she turned around and scooched a little bit closer to that side. She felt warm wind bathe down onto her face, waking her up from her trance as she opened up her eyes. All she could see in the darkness was a set of curls brushing around her face and tickling her forehead and Humbert's eyes boring into hers.

"Have you been awake this whole time?" Humbert asked.

"I can't sleep" Kaywinnet blurted out.

"Why not?"

"It's too cold"

Humbert didn't know what possessed him to do what happened next. He scooted closer to her, picked up his arm and placed it around her shoulder. The blankets were already close enough to make it look like they were in one big blanket. He then started to put both of the blankets over them as the combined blankets seemed to weigh down on the two travelers. Humbert looked down to Kaywinnet, whose cheeks were noticeably red. He mistaken her blush as the thought of her being cold and moved her closer to his body until it felt like there was no space between them. Humbert wrapped his other arm around her waist and left it there as he stared down into her hazel eyes.

"There" Humbert said, "Do you feel better now?"

"You didn't really have to do that"

"I wanted to"

Kaywinnet picked up her head and then pressed her lips onto his in a kiss that Humbert didn't see coming. She felt his tongue slip inside of her mouth, hungry for more as he placed his hand firmly onto the back of her head. Her mind was in tangles as they passionately kissed each other until Humbert suddenly sat up and moved away from her.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't be" Kaywinnet sat up and moved his chin so that he could gaze back at her, "I liked it"

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