Chapter 7

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Author's Note: OMG thank you for the increasing number of views on this story, I SO appreciate it :)

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HEEHEE I really like this chapter. **Shruggs** It's a ME thing lol.

ok that was lame..

SORRY!! You know what just don't even read this, yeah, just go on and read the story :):):)



Light guitar music came from the corner of the room, being played by Niall. Liam was sitting next to him, softly singing lyrics off of a piece of paper. Every once in a while Niall would stop, shake his head and tell Liam something. Liam would nod and erase something on the paper and rewrite it. Not that that wasn’t interesting to me (It totally wasn’t), but I found better fun in sitting in the opposite corner and sketching in my sketchbook.

No one really bothered me for the most part, which I was glad for. I was still amped up from my date and wanted to be alone with my happy thoughts. Harry was sitting in a spinning chair bothering the producer we were working with. It was kind of funny, him touching something and the older guy swatting his hand away.

Louis was on the opposite side of the room, relaxing on the couch going over sheet music and making corrections. The tension between Louis and Harry was obvious, but no one said anything about it.

Just as I thought I was safe to scribble out what was on my mind, Liam called me.

“Zayn since you’re not busy, maybe you’d help with this?” His tone was authoritative but I knew better than to cave so easily.

“I am busy.” I pulled my beanie down further over my eyes and continued drawing a picture of Kalenn. It’d never be as good as the real thing, but her face was burning a hole in my mind and I had to do something to ease the burn. Even though I had just seen her last night, I longed to see her again. I wanted to kiss her forever.

Another interruption. My phone vibrated in my pocket. When I first felt it I didn’t think of it as interrupting. I thought that it could be Kalenn. But unfortunately it was a text from our manager with a link attached to a message that said,

Show this to all the boys.

“Guys, come here.” I set my sketch pad down and closed it.

Liam and Niall were reluctant to come over, but the producer practically shoved Harry over in my direction. Louis got up hesitantly, seeing Harry be the first one there.

Once they were all around me, peering down at my phone, I clicked the link. It was a video.

We watched the video in silence. I was in shock. After the shock was pure anger.

It was a news spot on me, with pictures of me kissing Kalenn in the park. I most definitely didn’t see anyone in the park last night, and I most definitely didn’t tell anyone I wasn’t supposed to about our date.

“Well, that cat’s out of the bag.” Liam spoke first.

I huffed.

Niall patted my shoulder. “You should tell her now, before she sees it herself.”

I was too livid to nod or acknowledge him. I stood up and stalked outside the studio, stopping when I was outside in the somewhat chilly morning air. I stood there for a few minutes before I pulled my phone out, cooling down.

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