Chapter 6

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AHHH the date scene. Can you say YAY?!?! lol. so it's not my fav chapter cuz I'm not the best at romantic scenes, but I hope you guys like it more than I do. PLZ VOTE! :)


It was nearing six o’clock and I had everything ready except a shirt. I paced around desperately, every once in a while checking in my closet. I don’t know what I was checking for, I guess I was waiting for a perfect outfit to magically appear? Despite how little sense it made, I paced endlessly and kept checking my closet for a burst of new inspiration. I barely even noticed when my door opened and Louis walked in.

“Someone’s a bit high-strung.” He sat down on my bed and watched me freak out.

“What do you want?” I guess it came out a little bit harsher than I’d intended.

He held his hands up in defense. “Don’t shoot me, I was just bored.”

I stopped my pacing and stood to face him. “So you automatically came to me to entertain you?”


“I’m flattered. But as you can see, I’m busy.” I went over to my closet and hopelessly dug around.

“Remodeling your closet?” He got up and led me by my shoulders over to the bed and sat me down. “What are you looking for?”

I sighed. “I have a date tonight and I’m not sure which shirt would best match my black jeans.”

Louis thought for a moment and turned to the closet, picking up a stray sock on the floor and tossing it in my hamper. “Let’s have a look-sey.” He went through the options and pulled out a few choices.

One was a grey sweater, the next was a green t-shirt, and last was a bikini top.

I gaped at the bikini. Why did I even have that in there??

“Where the hell did you get that?!” I asked him as he held it proudly up with the other tops.

“It was wrapped around this.” He reached back and pulled out a white lacey thong. At this point I was having a heart attack. I racked my brain trying to remember how they could’ve gotten there but drew all blanks.

Louis saw my confusion and added, “Last week when you were out with Liam, Harry came home drunk with a someone and thought this was his room.” He tossed the thong and bikini top into the corner and went to my bed.

So Harry brought one of his hoes to my room? That bastard. I’d think of a way for payback.

Louis laid down the shirts and smiled at his decisions.

I checked them out, carefully inspecting them. The sweater was a nice one, but it was early March and already too warm for it. The green one said, “I’m not Irish, but I’m still lucky” on it. It was a birthday present from Niall. I made the executive decision to go with the green one. It was the laid back look I was trying to go for.

Louis saw my contentment and began to walk away.

“Thanks Lou!” I called after him.

He stopped in the doorway and smiled at me. It wasn’t a happy smile, I could tell. There was something else behind it, but I couldn’t tell what it was. It almost seemed like sadness. “Good luck tonight.” He shut the door behind him.

I stood up and went over to my giant mirror that hung on the back wall. I checked myself out from every angle, approving every piece of my outfit individually and double checking to make sure everything was in place. After one final wink at myself, I turned around and left my room.

Zayn's Story.. (A One Direction FanFic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu