Once outside Kalenn’s dormitory, I nervously stepped out of my car and went over to the large French doors that led inside. I wondered why they weren’t locked. It was a school, and I thought all schools had to have their dormitory doors locked. I shrugged it off and continued down the hallway to the elevator.

When I was on her floor, I made my way to room 302 and stopped in front of it. I knocked twice, and the door opened almost immediately.

Kalenn stood in front of me with a black and white speckled dress on. Let me just say, it hugged her curves perfectly. She wore a light jean jacket over it and her hair was up in a purposely messy bun. She was wearing black strappy sandals and I caught a glimpse of her pedicured toes. Was it possible that she could be completely perfect?

I hadn’t noticed I was staring until she cleared her throat uncomfortably and looked at me, blushing.

“Approve of what you see?” She asked me.

I smiled widely at me. “Of course. But I thought you didn’t like dresses?”

She looked down and around. “I didn’t think this would be too formal.”

I saw her self-consciousness and quickly said, “You look beautiful. Don’t think for a second you’ll be out of place.”

She looked back up at me and smiled.

As she shut the door behind her, I debated taking her hand on the walk downstairs, but I noticed her arms were crossed and didn’t want to push her. I glanced at her hand resting on her jacket and thought about how soft it felt at the movies. I wanted to feel it again.

We sat on the patio of the Parlor, waiting for the waitress to take our drink orders and I took in how amazing Kalenn looked. She was looking down at the menu, and her long eyelashes brushed against each other when she focused on something and blinked. Her flawless skin was undoubtedly perfect without makeup, and I was glad that she didn’t cake it on like some girls do. She was naturally beautiful.

She looked up, feeling my gaze on her and smiled sweetly. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

My brows furrowed together. “Expecting what?”

She looked around and took in her surroundings. “Something this beautiful. The whole set-up is…Spectacular.” She said the last word separately, putting extra thought into what she should say.

I think my pride could have lit up all of London at that moment, but I brushed it off and smirked at her. “Well I wanted to pick something that was as beautiful as you are, but I couldn’t find anything. This was the next best thing.” Smooth.

Kalenn blushed and held back a grin. “Cheesy, very cheesy. But sweet. Thank you.”

I smiled at her and was about to say something, but I was interrupted by our waitress practically floating over and standing in front of me. I could tell straight away she was a fan by the way her eyes were as big as the moon. “Can I take your drink order?”

She asked specifically me, and didn’t even look at Kalenn.

I severely hoped she didn’t ruin this night for Kalenn and I. From the looks of it, she was one step away from foaming at the mouth.

Kalenn answered the girl, obviously noticing her rude behavior. “I’ll have a strawberry lemonade.” She looked straight at her and said it loud enough so that she had no choice but to turn and look at her.

She smiled a fake smile at her and wrote it down. Then she turned back to me.

“I’ll have the same.”

Zayn's Story.. (A One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now