"I-I'm gonna stay back if that's okay." She bit her lip, she was really nervous. "Yeah! Totally, we will be outside come join us when you want!" Then we ran outside, they had a long trampoline, a bouncy house, and a pool full of water balloons. Which meant there was going to be water fight later.

"Let's go on the trampoline!" I called and we ran to the tramp and began doing flips and playing games.

- Demi -

For some reason I felt guilty taking Hallie away from this really nice life she had. It didn't seem to hurt Hallie to much or she didn't show it at least. "Hey baby, stop worrying. It will be okay," I heard bombas voice and then his hand slip into mine. He gave me a reassuring squeeze and I smiled and nodded. We looked outside and saw her and her friends doing flips and stuff, she was so flexible it was crazy. Music blared, adults talked, kids ran around. I felt like an actual parent,and actual human and not just some celebrity. Everyone was really welcome and nice, "How did you get Harper here?" I asked, Bomba looked at me,

"I took her phone." He giggled holding it up. I laughed, "she loves her phone so much. We should probably get Hallie one when we get back."

He nodded, I looked at Harper who just sat looking out the window. "I'm gonna go talk to her." Bomba nodded and I made my way through adults smiling at me and hugging me. "Hey Harp?" I asked, she looked at me and she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

My heart broke, "baby girl, what's wrong?" I asked squatting down grabbing her hands. She looked around at the adults eyeing her, I breathed in and I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Let's go for a walk."

I felt bad leaving my daughter good bye party, but we will be right back. But I had to make sure my other daughter was okay. We exited the house "I'll be right back." I told Edith's mother and she gave me a smile. We left the house and I looked around and the friendly neighborhood. We made our way to the car and I opened the back door and Harper went in and I went in after her and shut the door. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked again, I wiped her tears with the pad of my thumb.

She shrugged, "I miss home." She obviously lied. "Harper, we both know that's not what's actually wrong."

"Fine, I feel out of place! Hallie is some social bird and she goes gymnastics, she has perfect friends, a perfect life, she is always happy and finds the better in every situation. I see the way you and dad look at her like she's she's just perfect and I'm not! I wish I could-be-be like her!" She cried aggravated.

I looked at my flustered 11 year old daughter with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Harper, I love you and you are perfect, your perfect in so many ways. Don't compare yourself to her, you are your own person."

Harper nodded and gave me a giant hug, "now let's go in there and have alright?" Harper wiped her tears and nodded "okay."



"Let's get demi with a water balloon!" I smiled, "okay! Someone record it." Bomba smiled "ill record it!" He came out and pulled out his phone, we squatted behind the bush and waited. "Where is everyone?" I heard demi ask, "in the backyard." Someone replied, "Harper it will be fun."

"ATTACK!" I yelled, we jumped out from the bushes and threw water balloons at demi and Harper, I laughed as they yelped. Demi tried hitting the balloons but that didn't work. Once we ran out of balloons and I looked at Harper who looked beyond mad. "YOUR GOING DOWN HALLIE!" She yelled smiling, she ran to the pool as well as Demi and they grabbed balloons "RETREAT!" I yelled laughing, bomba kept recording and me and Tucker went and grabbed balloons and then my friends parents joined in.

The sun had began to go down and I started to cold even though Edith's backyard had warmers. "I'm cold!" I yelled. I was also tired, I went to bed at 8:30 like every night. It was 6 PM, "come here." Bomba gave me his jacket and I giggled, we all went inside and I wasn't aware but people had gotten me presents. "Last thing before you leave." Edith had sat me down on the couch as her mom and dad brought out gifts. "Wait, guys. I don't need gifts!"

"Shut up and open them." Edith laughed, Tucker sat on my left and Edith on my right. Everyone sat around us, I grabbed a box that was wrapped. "To Hallie from Tyler, Logan, Edith, Garrett, Freya, Lily, Amelia, Kelly, Dani, Verona." I read out loud, those are my gymnastics team.

I smiled at all of them, I began opening it and it was a picture frame of all of us together and smaller pictures on the side. "Oh my gosh! Guys!" I almost started crying. "Look on the back." Kelly smiled, I flipped it over and there was white sharpie with notes from everyone. I was at a lost for words, "guys."

"Don't say anything. We know." They smiled,

I went to the next one from Tucker, his mom handed me it. I opened it and it was a picture of us at his 10th birthday, we went to the park and his mom had taken a photo of us right when we had fallen down, he had a baseball themed party and we went to take a photo but I saw a bee and started screaming, then I accidentally pushed Tucker down and we fell on eachother. I love this photo so much, "Tucker! This was the best day, I was so scared of that bee-" I looked up at him to see tears falling down his cheeks as he smiled. "Then when you looked up it wasn't a bee, it was a butterfly." He finished my sentence and my tears just began falling.

I nodded and smiled, I looked at Demi who had tears also falling. She felt guilty I knew it.

Edith came over with the next one and set it on my lap. I opened it and I pulled out a scrapbook and a jar, "365 Days, in here you will find three hundred and sixty five notes. Each morning you can take one out and start your day with a smile. You know I love."

I read that out loud and people were taking pictures and Edith had her arm around me tightly. "Rules: One a day Hallie, no cheating."

I smiled and wiped my tears. Then I opened the scrapbook and it had lots of photos of all of me and my friends. "I had everyone bring me photos of you and them and I made copy's of the photos and put them all in here." She smiled, "thank you Edith. This means so much, everyone being here means so much. You guys have given me the best 12 years of my life, I will never forget you and I will come back as soon as I can." I stood up and someone yelled group hug and I smiled and everyone grabbed me.

I was going to miss this. I have a new adventure ahead.


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Also, if anyone is going to Demis concert in Arlington Texas I'm going!

Kik- xoxoaviaxoxo

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