A Dark Cell

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A/N This is set post season two, with out the major plot twist at the end. Voltron has just been cleaning up Galra bases across the galaxy, rounding up soldiers and freeing planets.

It was daytime in the Galra prison. Or maybe it was night? Pidge could never tell.

A humming noise echoed through the small container. It was starting to grate on Pidge's nerves. She stared at the wall opposite her in they small metal box they had put her in. There was only enough room to lift her hand and touch the ceiling, or to wiggle from side to side. She sighed, thinking of other metal beds, far away in the Garrison. She never thought she would miss those beds. They had been as hard as rocks, but she had spent a lot of time on them, searching the digital world for her father and brother. She briefly wondered if they had beds, where ever they were. She hoped her team would find them. She knew that the odds of her team finding her were slim, and that she would probably never see her family again. She shook her head, snapping out of the spiraling mind frame she found her self thinking of more and more often. She wondered what they were doing, and if they were okay, or captured like her. She thought back, thinking of the events that lead to her being contained in this suffocating box.

The paladins had decided to take a walk. It seemed like a simple choice at the time, but it would affect them in ways untold. They had just finished all the repairs to the Castle from their latest battle, and were taking a break before going to a feast thrown by the natives of the planet they had just saved. They set out through the large, tree-like growths that stood outside the castle, which they had landed in a large meadow, which was a short walk from the village. They slowly followed a game trail, laughing and joking. They had taken a break by a small patch of rocks when they heard angry battle cries. Dark shaped fell from the trees, and purple laser beams whizzed past. The paladins immediately scattered across the clearing, training kicking in. They activated their bayards, and charged. They made quick work of the figures. Hunk leaned down and pulled of one of the figure's hoods. "Guys, look!" He pointed to the figure. "They're Galra soldiers," said Shiro. "Wait a minute, if they're here, where is there commander?" Suddenly a high-pitched keening noise echoed through the trees, knocking the paladins to the ground as it wormed its way inside their heads. A purple-clad figure jumped out and sized the nearest paladin, who happened to be Pidge, and jabbed a long, sharp needle into her arm. She cried out and sank to the ground, blackness swarming her vision. As the other paladins struggled to their feet, the figure seized Pidge and cried "FOR THE EMPEROR!" A ship appeared out of the trees, and the figure tossed Pidge on and then hoisted himself up. The door closed, and it zoomed into the trees, taking the littlest paladin with it.

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