chapter 3

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Today is the day we fly to Paris for the first stop on magcon. I'm honestly so nervous to meet the other guys, but I have Blake, Cam and Aaron with me every step of the way.

"Hanna we're leaving in 5" Cam saids from outside my door.

"Okay" I answer. Getting up I grab my suitcase and go to the kitchen to get an apple. I was scrolling through Facebook when I got picked up from behind and put on someone's shoulders.

"Blake! You know I'm scared of heights!" I shout.

"Oh so you wouldn't like it if I did this?" he said as he tipped me backwards as I screamed louder than I've ever screamed before.

"Ow! My ears!" he cries as he put me back on the floor.

"Hurry up, we're gonna miss our flight" Cam shouts from the car.

"I'm in the front seat!" I tease as I run to the car.

"I'm older, I get to go in the front" Aaron jokes.

A couple hours later we're on the plane, I'm sat in the window seat and Blake is on the other side of me. He knows I don't like flying so he grabs my hand and interlocks it with his. Grinning at me to make me feel better, I kinda feel uncomfortable as he's getting a little too 'boyfriendlike'. I know he's just trying to help. After all we are best friends.

When we got in the air I took a quick snap of the view and we watched Ted on my laptop. Soon after I drifted to sleep on Blake's shoulder.

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