"So soon? We've only been here for a few days" Leia spoke up, giving a little shrug.

"Yes, already" Luke spoke in a serious tone, "we should leave in the morning."

Satarou stopped paying attention after that and decided to head towards where Winnie was being held. He didn't really feel much for eating, but he had managed to swipe an apple from where it sat next to one of the clan members. Satarou figured that they wouldn't miss it very much.

Satarou had looked around and was surprised that Winnie was actually being kept in a stall with a few other horses, though the stall appears to be an old, abandoned stall that probably hadn't been touched for years before their clan showed up.

"Hey, Winnie" Satarou gave his horse a little pet. "Here, do you want an apple?" He offered his hand to the horse, and Winnie began to chew on the apple.

Satarou just stood next to his horse for a few moments, just silently petting her.

"I know you want to run, Winnie, but I will leave you in the stall for today. We are preparing to leave tomorrow" Satarou told her. Satarou stood with her for one more minute before he left the stall. He had left his bow and arrows in the tent, but he felt safe with his sword on him. Without another moment of hesitation, Satarou walked a little bit into the forest.

Satarou has been walking for an hour, just enjoying the soft breeze against his hair and cold chill against his skin. He was just about to head back towards camp when he heard movement in the bushes.

He whipped his head in the direction of leaves crunching and the bushes moving. He could smell something. There was not another moment of hesitation before Satarou let out a growl, alerting the intruder that he was not hidden.

A moment later, a surprisingly handsome man walked out of the bushes. He had short, choppy black hair that fell just above his ears, and bright, icy blue eyes. He also had a 5'oclock shadow. "Wow, you are pretty sharp when it comes to intruders. It shouldn't be surprising since you are a wolf. But you're a woman. What are you doing out in the forest alone?"

"If i'm a woman, then you're a blood-sucking vampire" Satarou snapped his reply, "what do you want, Angel?"

"Wow, rude! I have a name, you know" the guy rolled his eyes, but took a step forward as if the boy wasn't a threat.

He took one last step forward as Satarou gave a warning growl. That was a big mistake.

The man was pinned to a nearby tree. Satarou had one hand on the man's chest, keeping him still against the tree, and his free hand held his sword to the man's throat. It was barely a hair's width away from cutting into him.

"I said," Satarou growled, "what is your name? And what clan are you apart of?"

"Chill, chill" the man rolled his eyes, not even startled by Satarou's sword. "I am Leon Rue. I am the leader of the Black Jasper clan. Wow, you are really feisty for a female."

"I told you" Satarou gave a tiny push on his sword so it'd make him bleed a little, "I am not a female!"

"Well, you sure have me fooled" this strange Leon fellow didn't even seem startled by the fact that Satarou was willing to make him bleed. In fact, nothing Satarou did seemed to phase him, and it was getting on his damn nerves!

"Get off our territory" Satarou growled one last time before he pulled back, "I do not wish to see you again, Jasper."

"Wow, i'm hurt! You can't even remember my name!" Leon mocked hurt. After that, he heard his name being called and needed to head back. "Well, sorry to break this up babe, but my clan needs me and I can't let them down for a chick who was prostituting herself in the woods." He shrugged. He was getting on every one of Satarou's nerves! And that was the last straw!

"Maybe I should have just killed you, you useless angel!" Satarou snapped. Before Satarou could hit the man, Leon had done some weird wave with his hand. After he did so, he had vanished into thin air. It didn't take long for Satarou to realize he had used some teleportation magic.

"This guy just gets on my nerves so badly! Those damn angels!" Satarou couldn't help his rant as he was making his way back home. Satarou was so focused on the earlier situation that he got back to camp in no time.

"Brother!" Yui ran up to Satarou, "where were you? I was so worried!"

"I was just taking a little walk, Yui" Satarou mumbled, "you didn't need to worry about me. I only went to go see Winnie."

"Is that all?" Yui asked with a hint of worry still present in his eyes.

"Yes, that's all" Satarou replied, "now, let's go back to the tent. We have a lot of preparing to do for tomorrow."

"Alright, brother" Yui smiled at Satarou and followed his big brother to the camp.

Once they were back in the tent, Satarou fell onto his back, feeling super tired.

"What really happened in the forest, brother?" Yui asked. Satarou sighed.

"I went for a walk. It was a little ways from the stalls and after I already saw Winnie. It was fine, but this strange man came" the older brother replied, frowning.

"Who was this man?" Yui was getting super curious now. If he was a dog, his tail would be wagging rapidly from behind him.

Satarou frowned.

"Satar?" Yui asked a moment later when Satarou still hasn't responded.

"He was the most annoying guy i've ever had the misfortune of meeting!" Satarou was furious just remembering the earlier comments, "his name is Leon Rue. He is an Angel. Speaking of which, Angels are a lot different than the fairytales. The only Angel's i've ever met were all assholes! Aren't they supposed to be like super nice and always willing to help?"

Yui just listented to Satarou's rant in silence.

Satarou barely stopped to take a deep breath. "The worst part is he kept calling me a female even though I made it clear that I am a male! I hope I never meet that stupid jerk ever again!"

Yui smirked at Satarou.

"this is not funny, Yui!" Satarou scowled. This was no situation to be amused about!

"I just didn't think anyone got on your nerves, Satar" Yui replied.

"Everyone gets on my nerves" Satarou huffed in reply.

"Yeah, well" Yui paused to think, "well, there isn't a lot of people who manage to get you this riled up!"

"I know, he is just an exception, I guess. I assure you that it won't happen again" Satarou responded, "anyways, i'm going to sleep now. Goodnight."

"Night, brother" Yui replied before deciding to do the same.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) You got a little bit more insight on Satarou's character ^^ Plus a new character got introduced~ Feel free to let me know what you think down in the comments :D Also please leave a vote! It lets me know if you guys are enjoying it~

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