chapter 10 - whaaaat

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G's pov:

I heard what N/Y was thinking.

That's why I stood up for her. Only that reason. I could never love any human...(with the exception of Frisk).

Currently its 3:00am and the weather has taken a turn for the worst. The bedroom next door, which happens to be N/Y's, is irupting with squeels and shrieks. I really shouldn't but I'm going to check on her... Just so she'll shut up!

N/Y's pov:

I shivered and quietly sobbed under the covers as each bolt of lightning cracked against the gray sky. I peeled the covers back and glanced at the window, which was being violently hit by nearby branches. Out of fear, I glanced to the empty space next to me, searching for something cuddely but only to be met by two bright gold pupils.

"What's the matter doll, can't sleep?" G smirked ,"don't worry, there aren't any ghosts in this house."
"What a-are you doing in here!?" I wisper-shouted ,"its the middle of the night!"

He pulled a sly but amused smirk.
"I couldn't sleep because you were squeeling your head off for some strange reason~"
"I'm n-not squeel-" An interupting bolt of lightning boomed, sending me off the bed. I jolted up and darted under the covers, whimpering slightly.

"Y/N, are you scared of lightning?" G asked, his smirk dropping slightly. I only responded with a nod and shivered as another bolt of lightning crashed. G sighed and pulled the covers over himself.

Before I could question his actions, he snaked an arm around my waist and brushed my hair with the other. He pulled me closer until my back reached his chest. I panicked and squirmed under his grip. "Close your eyes and stop squirming, I'm here so you won't get scared." He whispered.

I hesitated at first but slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

G's pov:

She stopped shuffeling and snuggeled further into my grip.

//whilst mid writing this text my house was egged and I had to take a short break and chase the bitchez down sorry for the interruption just thought I'd tell you//

After she fell asleep I slipped out of the bed and stood up. I glanced back at Y/N and smiled before leaving and returning to my own bed.

Like I said before, I don't like her in that way...

Heya sweetheart~ {G!sansXreader) Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu