Chapter fourteen

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Everywhere you went, word was out that Le Weaponarê was in America. The French were glad that the notorious monster was out of their land and deemed it a blessing. The news was buzzing about him and the FBI started their manhunt.

I clicked off the news and walked to James' room.

"You're a success." I declared.

He groaned and rolled over ignoring me. I opened the curtains and jumped on his bed.

"I said you are a success. In times like these it is common to accept a compliment with a thank you."

He turned to me with a blank face.
"Maybe that's the way you Frenchies do it but in America, we say fuck you and move on."

I laughed at this and tore the covers off him. He was sleeping in pink boxers with red hearts all over them.

"No!" I gasped. Immediately, I pulled out my phone and sent a picture to Dominic.

"How can the most badass French boss wear these cute boxers?" I snorted in his face.

He threw a pillow and me at yelled "fuck off."

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