Chapter two

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I walked into the airport wearing a stewardess outfit. The American flight had their girls wear a simple blue and white get up.

Americans are so basic they call it being patriotic.

I followed behind the girls that Dominic told me were going on the plane to a place called Washington DC. Whatever the hell that means.

I honestly cannot recall the last time I was in America. I am sure I was there a couple years ago but it was some state with the word "hoe" in it.

Milehoe? No that can't be 

Lihoe? What the hell is that?

Idahoe? I think it's something along those lines. 

"Flight 322 to Washington DC, United States is now boarding passengers. All attendants please board your planes." The intercom system rang.

I followed graciously behind the ladies onto the plane, not one suspecting that I was not "Millie" as the tag on my shirt says.

As the passengers got to their seats, I took a look at my home country. I am going to miss France but it was time to move somewhere new. I am back in business.


"Thank you for flying with Continental airlines, please plan your next trip with us. Check out our deals online today."

I rushed to the nearest bathroom to get out of the cheap costume I was in. I walked in and saw a beautiful brunette wearing dark jeans, a blazer, a really fashion forward off white top, a matching fedora and a long scarf to tie it all together.

"Excuse me." I walked right up to her with the kindest face I had. "Can you help me a moment? I believe my zipper is stuck."

She nodded and walked into the stall with me following close behind her. As she turned around, I knocked her out and switched clothes with her.

"Nice scarf." Some Hispanic girl complemented me on the way out.

"Merci." I smiled.

I got outside and tore off the fake skin I had on my arm and took the wad of cash under it. Before I left, Dominic got me American currency to sustain me until he arrived at the rendezvous point.

"Sir!" The taxi driver spun around quickly to the sound of my voice. "Please, take me to a, how do you say, that place with phones? It's 'A' something."



He drove silently playing American music on the radio. They were speaking too fast for me to understand what they were talking about but from what I could understand, they were talking about female dogs.

Why would someone make make a song about their dog? I have no idea. America is so strange.

"Here it is Ma'am. That will be twenty dollars." He looked at me through the rear view mirror.

"I do not know how to open this thing." I gave up frustrated. Usually Dominic opens the door for me 

He got up annoyed and opened the door. I handed him a handful of the money and put my sun glasses on.

"Miss, this is too much money."

"I do not know your currency I am sorry." I admitted.

"This," he held up one of the money to my face, "is a hundred dollar bill."

I handed him the wad of cash, "is there anything here smaller?"

He examined them, stunned as if he had never seen so much money in his life.

"No, I can go find change."

"No, save the trouble. Keep it."

"Oh, uh, thank you ma'am."

I was about to walk off when I realized that I do not have a driver until maybe tomorrow.

"Attendez!" I said before he turned back to his vehicle. "I not know your country or language but I need good driver. I pay much." I almost pleaded. I have never been anywhere without Dominic before. He was my right hand man and has been my chauffer since childhood.

"Um, absolutely."

"Come, I need a, uh, phone."

We entered the store that was cool and it had bright lights.

"Hi welcome to AT&T how may we help you?"

"You speak French here?"

"I'm sorry, we don't."

"She wants a phone." He spoke up for me.

She led us to the glass showcase where all the phones were.

"What kind of phone? We have the newest IPhone 6s edge and the edge plus. We also carry the newest androids."

"Fast, big, good hearing calls." I told the man beside me.

"She wants the 6s edge plus." He told her  she smiled and went to get the phone so I could look at it.

I looked around and saw some other devices that could be useful. I got an IPad, the laptop with the removable key board, a regular laptop with the apple on it, and an android phone.

Laying the things out on the counter, the lady looked at me with large eyes.

"We offer a payment plan to help with getting all you want but-"

"-No." I cut her off. I pulled out the money and handed it to the driver. "Ask her how much."

"It's about fifteen hindred." She said timidly.

He handed her the money as she took it surprised. She counted the money in disbelief and returned with my items in their boxes in a bag.

"Thank you for shopping at AT&T, please come again." She said cheerfully and we left.

After the iPhone was activated, I made a call the Dominic's American number and got no response. I then made a call to his number in France and got him on the second ring.

"Good timing. Why are you still in France?" I was getting impatient. He should have been at least on his way by now.

"I got..." a shot rang in the background, "tied up if you will."

I smiled feeling at ease that he put business first as always.

"No rush take your time. And Dom?"


"Knock them dead." I hung up the phone. "Take me to one of your big hotels." I took a look out the window. "I have money that won't spend itself."

Delicate DahliaWhere stories live. Discover now