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It felt like a warzone outside the firehouse, after the incident a few hours ago the amount of publicity we were receiving was exponential. A dangerous call like that always attracted the media's attention, wanting to get a taste of the action and put their own little spin on the actual truth.

Unsurprising to anyone in the firehouse, we all remained inside of the station not wanting to deal with the news stations. Squad's usual spot on the apparatus floor moved inside temporarily so the insistent sounds of journalist and reporters yelling was muted. Boden wasn't happy, he never was when it came to the safety and publicity of his firefighters, only this time was worse than anything we ever dealt with before.

"Well if Intelligence didn't hear about the call they sure will now. How long do you think it will take for Halstead to get here to check on Blake"

Shaking my head in amusement at my brother, the other's starting calling out guesses and placing bets, all knowing that the Halstead was quite protective of his girlfriend. "He is probably on his way here breaking all the laws of the road" which couldn't have been a truer statement. The former army ranger was properly worried about everyone in the firehouse after growing closer to them, but his worry for Blake was stronger than anyone realized.

Listening in on the continued conversation on Jay's and I relationship, I filled out the incident report knowing Boden will want to discuss it later and try to figure out what to do next. What happened down in that basement was extensive and deep down we both knew the higher ups in the CFD as well as CPD needed to get involved. It was a highly organized incident and could have gone terribly wrong.

For a few seconds the bustling sound of people's voice overlapping caught all of our attention before it ceased to silence once again when the door closed. Leaning back against the chair to see who walked in, I spotted Sylvie and Emily both looking rather annoyed by all of the news reporters. "I have never wanted to run people over more in my life then those damn reporters. So inconsiderate of the fact that we still have damn jobs to do and people to save"

Laughing at Sylvie, I spun around in the chair to look at her pissed of expression before going back to finishing my report. "Well if you got arrested I would have Voight get you out, claiming vehicle malfunction". Before I knew it arms quickly wrapped around my neck and a kiss was placed upon my cheek from the blonde paramedic.

"This is why you are my favorite, you have have connections everywhere and can get us all out of something stupid"

As I finished the report the alarm rang through the firehouse causing everyone to hold their breath. None of us wanted to leave knowing we would be getting bombarded with cameras and microphones, reporters wanting some sort of insight that no one else knew about. They cared more about a news story than the idea of being in the way of a letting first responders do their jobs.

Upon hearing the call of Squad 3 and Ambo 61, a huge sigh escaped my lips before I got up from the seat jogging out to the apparatus floor. Quickly sliding into the gear in record time, I climbed into the passenger seat of the truck, glancing at Cruz who was looking at the crowd blocking the driveway. With a look of annoyance, I poked my head out the window towards Sylvie and Emily. "Brett, follow us out we are going to get them to move." Seeing the nod of confirmation, I gave Cruz a thumbs up. "Sirens on, press on the horn until they move"

Without hesitation the latino man started to pull out, horn blaring and sirens echoing into the air. Slowly moving forward he forced the reporters and camera crews to move out of the way, an emotionless expression on his face. As soon as he got a wide enough opening he whipped out of the driveway speeding down the streets towards the call. Glancing into the side view mirror, I caught sight of reporters rushing towards their vehicles to follow us.

The RespondersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon